2025년 2월 배틀 레이팅 변경 계획 안내


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R2Y2 의 삭제

이번 배틀 레이팅 변경점과 함께, R2Y2 가 4월 30일에 연구 트리에서 삭제될 예정입니다. 관련 내용은 이곳에서 확인하실 수 있습니다..

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주의: 여러 리스트를 만들지 마시기 바랍니다 — 1개를 초과하는 제안은 고려되지 않습니다. 단, 이 스레드에 댓글을 남길 수 있는 횟수에는 제한이 없으니 아래의 규칙을 따라 한 제안 당 하나의 댓글만을 작성해주시기 바랍니다.


  • 게임 모드, 장비명. 8.0 > 8.3. 그 이유.

더 많은 제안을 보내거나 더 적극적으로 참여하고 싶다면 주변 친구들에게 알리거나 여러분이 동의하는 다른 플레이어의 제안에 ‘좋아요’ 를 눌러주시기 바랍니다!

저희는 여러분의 피드백을 항상 경청하고 있으니, 여러분의 제안과 생각을 저희에게 전달해 주시기 바랍니다! 다른 플레이어들의 제안을 읽어보시고, 가장 중요하다고 생각되는 제안의 경우 “좋아요” 를 눌러 저희가 확인할 수 있게 해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

The War Thunder Team.


Air Realistic Battle, Mirage 2000D-RMV.
12.7 → 12.0 or 11.7
It has only two magic twos and even doesn’t have guns when stock

Air Realistic Battle, Mirage 2000D-R1.
12.3 → 12.0 or 11.7
It has only two magic twos and even doesn’t have guns when stock

Air Realistic mod kfir kanard

11.0 → 10.3~10.0

  1. There are few missiles that can be loaded and few deceptive bodies that can be mounted.
  2. It lacks the capability of missiles used as weapons.
  3. Radar missiles are not available (radar is also not good)

BUT the F-4 Phantom C type has a lot more armament than kfir canard, although the battle rating will change to 10.0
It’s a Bellance that goes against equity.

Tank Realistic battle, PT-16/T14

10.7 → 10.3

It has thin armor, no thermal device, normal-penentration DM23 shell.
PT-16/T14’s nerf is so harsh.

Air Realistic Battle, Bf 109 K-4


Compared to other 5.7 fighter planes like spitfires and F8F, it has slightly higher or similar top speed, similar or slightly worse climb rate, slightly worse acceleration, and way worse turn.

For an energy fighter like 109s, establishing energy advantage over enemies is the only way to win. But Bf 109 K-4 cannot establish it without side climbing, that makes teammates vulnerable while doing it.
When compared to Spitfire LF Mk.9, the situation goes sad. It outturns, outclimbs the 109 and rivals the top speed in mid to low altitude where the most battle in air RB occurs, and still sits in the same 5.7BR

Also, the armament is on of the weakest in 5.7BR. While other fighter planes carry two/four 20mm cannons or multiple MGs, the 109s carry only one 20mm cannon and two MGs.
Even more, MG151/20 cannons are not the best ones in the game.
When equipped with gunpods to compensate it, the flight performance gets even worse.

An energy fighter, that actually has to sideclimb to establish energy advantage, also does not have the strong punch to shred the enemy in the short time allowed to shoot in BnZ.

Therefore, Bf 109 K-4 needs BR buff.

Ground Realistic Battles, J35A. 9.7>9.3.
I think it’s okay for the J35A to have a lower BR because of its lower CAS efficiency.

Vehicle: F9F-2 panther
Gamemode: Air RB
BR change: 8.0 → 7.3
Reason: Same TWR and similar performance with F2H in 7.3, inferior energy, speed, turn compared to other 8.0 aircrafts. Same BR with F9F-5 with better engine and speed, and F9F-5 has same BR with MIG-15 and F-86A which is better in every ways.