计划中的分房权重变动 (2025 年 2 月)

玩家朋友们,开发团队为您带来了 2025 年 2 月份最新一轮平衡性调整的初步方案!



除了按计划调整部分载具的分房权重,我们还计划于 4 月 30 日将 R2Y2 景云改系列从游戏内移除。截止日期后仍未解锁研发的玩家将无法再度研发该系列载具 (相应地,已购入的载具会保留在玩家账户上,至少积累 1 点研发进度则可以继续进行研发,但无法研发后续未解锁的型号),变动详情请参阅 下架公告


为了提升梳理反馈意见的效率、避免遗漏,我们建议玩家每条留言围绕 1 款载具提出变动意见。逐条列举变动意见不仅能让反馈流程更加简洁明了,也方便其他玩家充分理解您的观点,便于针对具体意见加以引用补充。

请注意: 为了尽量简化反馈留言的意见汇总过程,请尽量参照下方模板撰写意见,每层只针对一款载具阐明您的变动提案以及相应的缘由,您可以在本主题下留下多条回复,但尽量不要一次性列出多条变动

示例模板 (每条留言请着重阐述单一载具):

  • 游戏模式 (空中载具请注明空战/陆战);载具名称;8.0 → 8.3;变动缘由




空战·历史性能;强五III(A-5C);10.7 → 10.0;暂且不提J35XS与大量米格21改进型即将下调至10.3,就算在目前,它作为一个亚音速攻击机,竟然在空战·历史性能中武备、机体均大幅落后于大量超音速战斗机的情况下和它们在同一个权重。即便炸战区都被同分房的各色攻击机(F111系列,SU17系列,F4E(J))甩得尾烟都闻不到。
Air Realistic ; A-5C ; 10.7 → 10.0;Leaving aside the J35XS and a large number of MiG-21 improved models that are about to be downgraded to 10.3, even at present, as a subsonic attack aircraft, it surprisingly lags behind a large number of supersonic fighters in terms of weapon equipment and aircraft performance in Air Realistic performance, with the same weight as them. Even in bombing bases, various types of attack aircraft (F111 series, SU17 series, F4E (J)) in the same grade are much faster than it.


空战历史性能;歼轰-7A(JH-7A);12.3→11.7;作为一款对地攻击机,歼轰7A仅能携带4发没有任何抗红外干扰的导弹(4个PL5C或者2个PL5C加2个PL8)。相比其他12.3的飞机都缺乏有效的空战能力,例如F4Ej kai、MIG-21Bison。歼轰7A的对空效能更接近11.7的攻击机,例如F-111F、狂风 GR1。更何况大多数时间需要面对主动弹的对局。PL8和怪蛇3是相同的导弹。
Air Realistic ; JH-7A ; 12.3 → 11.7;As a ground attack aircraft, the JH-7A can only carry four FOX2 without IRCCM (four PL-5Cs or two PL-5Cs plus two PL-8s).Compared to other 12.3 aircraft, JH-7A lacks air-to-air capability,such as F-4Ej kai and MIG-21Bison.His air-to-air efficiency is closer to that of an attack aircraft on 11.7,such as F-111F、Tornado GR1.Moreover, most of the time JH-7A needs to face games with FOX3.PL-8 is the same as Python 3.


空战历史性能;F-4E 重锤2000;12.3→11.7;重锤2000作为一款鬼怪战斗机,他并不能携带任何的半主动雷达导弹,仅有6发响尾蛇9L或者怪蛇3。因此,他的空战能力是明显落后于相同权重的其他飞机。在12.3有另一款鬼怪战斗机他就是日本的F-4Ejkai,重锤2000与他相比来说很弱了。因此我建议他去11.7。
Air Realistic ; Kurnass2000 ; 12.3 → 11.7;As a Phantom Ⅱ, the Kurnass2000 can`t carry any FOX1 and FOX3,and only has 6 AIM-9Ls or Python3s without IRCCM.Therefore, his air-to-air ability is significantly lagging behind other aircraft at 12.3 and other Phantom fighters.At 12.3, there was another Phantom fighter jet, which was the Japanese F-4Ejkai.So I suggest he go to 11.7.


The weight of top-tier vehicles in Ground Realistic should be raised.
First, due to the existence of premium vehicles in the advanced gift packs, new players encounter difficulties in their progression lines when colliding with veteran players, and veteran players also suffer from having newbies as teammates.
Second, the compression of the weight of Cold War vehicles has led to an imbalance in the environment of some Cold War vehicles. After raising the weight, the tech tree should be further refined.


空战历史性能;幼狮 C.7;12.0→11.7;幼狮C7相比其他12.0的飞机来说,对空能力一般。F-4S有6根强大的AIM-7F导弹,幻影F1C也有2根抗干扰的魔术2,其他飞机也都有能力在12.0存活。怪蛇3仅是一款全向红外弹,并没有抗红外干扰。因此我建议他去11.7。
Air Realistic ; Kfir C.7 ; 12.0 → 11.7;At 12.0, the KfirC.7 was weaker than other jets.F-4S has 6 AIM-7Fs.The mirageF1C has 2 R.550 Magic 2 missiles.Other aircraft have the ability to survive at 12.0.The main reason is that Python3 is only a fox2 without IRCCM.I suggest he go to 11.7.

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I object the new BR change of Mirage 2000D-RMV,It’s reasonable to remains at 12.0 for ground realistic battle.
反对幻影 2000D-RMV陆历提升权重,法陆玩家之所以愿意开法陆,不就是为了法陆的12.0队列,横向对比意大利12.0 德系12.0 只有A5 A6豹,相当于牺牲一点与A7豹的防护换取队列的完整性,那你CAS稍微比他们强一点是不是就算平衡了,这一波你把RMB提到12.3那12.0等于没有绿标CAS,那玩家开那么久的法系有什么意义呢?你横向对比CAS 意大利有AV8B+有牛G且能带120自卫本身就是跟RMV看齐的


陆战.历史性能.strv105 9.3→9.0。这辆载具在9.3的体验恶劣,机动和装甲相比同权重其它车辆都很差。它的机动性和手感远不如leopard1a5,装甲防护远不如olifant mk2。
Ground realistic. Strv105 9.3 → 9.0. This vehicle has a poor experience in 9.3, with poor mobility and armor compared to other vehicles of the same BR. Its maneuverability and flexibility are far inferior to Leopard1 A5, and its armor protection is far inferior to Olifant MK2.


T26e5/Super Pershing ;6.7→7.0;
M26 should not be given the same br as T26E5/Super Pershing, as Super Pershing has better penetration depth and protection than M26, while T26E5 has much better protection than M26.

The turret of Tiger King H is significantly harder than that of Tiger King P, which cannot withstand the firing of common tank guns with equivalent br of 85mm, 90mm, and 76mm. Therefore, it should not stay at 6.7​虎王h的炮塔明显比虎王p的炮塔硬得多,后者无法承受85mm,90mm,76mm等同br内常见坦克炮的射击,因此虎王h不应该待在6.7

Since the appearance of the Two Frontiers Tiger gift pack, T3485 (Ziss53) no longer has the strength to compete with the Two Frontiers Tiger, so it should go to 5.3自从two fronts tiger礼包出现以后,t3485(ziss53)已经没有能够跟two fronts tiger交手的实力,因此应该去5.3

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Air Realistic : Su25K (SU25K); 10.3——9.7; This is a subsonic attack aircraft that, although operating in a 10.3 environment, often encounters 10.7 or even 11.0. This is the result of many games, not only being unable to capture the battlefield, but also unable to even harvest the most basic ground targets. To put it this way, an attack aircraft cannot attack ground targets in the battlefield. So what is its role in the battlefield? To consume enemy missiles? So he couldn’t play any role in 10.3 at all

There is another situation that I recently discovered using the Su-25K. The Su-25 often cannot interfere with enemy missiles, even AIM9E and other missiles, when releasing Flares
