Over the last month or so whenever I get into a match, I’m getting 2 to 3 second stutters every 2 to 3 minutes. It seems to start happening after the 2nd or third match. I checked my memory usage and processing power and both look normal. I also have cleared the cache folder in the game files and that work a littler but the stutters returned after 2 to 3 days. I’ve seen a few post about this from earlier this year but northing too recent. Any help would be appreciated. specs are below:
Intel(R) Core™ i7-9700K CPU
32gb of DDR4 3600
Nvidia 3060 ti
Warthunder is on a 2tb ssd
Is it on a seperate one from your system drive?
And if you have experience installed, and shadowplay enabled, this can be from the video being on the same drive as the game and OS if you don’t have them on seperate drives…
I run 4 SSDs, 2 for system, with the video cache on there, 2 for games. Both pairs are in RAID config to make them mirror.
It is on a separate drive from the OS. they only other thing on this drive is a steam library. I have 3 2tb ssds and my os is on its own m.2 drive. I don’t have a raid setup.
I’d try disable shadowplay (The one that records all the time and allows you to hit a key to record the last 2-3 minutes of footage) and see how that starts out.
If you run the vanilla WT launcher and don’t use steam for it, try also closing steam.
I use the vanilla launcher. just check and SP was still on (thought I disabled it already) so I turned it off. Ill try it with SP off and see how that works.
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I also cleared the shadders folder that I saw you had mentioned in another post and that seemed to help a lot. assuming it stays that way, Double thanks.
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So bad news, the stutters are bad and worse then before. now they happen every 5 to 10 secs. seems like deleting the cache and shaders help but only for a limited time.
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