TYPE: Single-barrel, remote-controlled self-loading mortar system
1x 120mm smoothbore breech loading mortar cannon
Breech: Half-automatic wedge
Recoil: Hydro-pneumatic suspension
Elevation: −3° to +85°
Traverse: 360°
Rate of fire: 10 rounds/minute (max); 6 rounds/minute (sustained) -
1x M153A4 Crowsh tech refresh remote controlled weaponstation
-Thermal sight: 3rd Gen TS-III
-Color Day Camera: 1° to 45° with continuous Field of View (FOV)
-Thermal: 3° & 11.0 ° FOVs (standard CROWS); up to 45° wide FOV (Tech Refresh)
-Four-axis targeting system; Three-axis vector stabilization; Laser range-finder; Auto scan/auto focus; Auto lead/auto tracker- Primary armament: 12.7x99mm M2 Browing Machinegun
-Machinegun: M2 Browning
-Ammunition mixture (2x MP, 1x MP-T) :
-Armor penetration RHAe NM160MP-T: 22 Millimeter at 100 Meter
-Armor penetration RHAe NM140MP: 10.6 Millimeter at 100 Meter
- Primary armament: 12.7x99mm M2 Browing Machinegun
Mass: 1,900 kg
Barrel length: 3,000mm
Crew: Unmanned turret, 3 in vehicle + driver
Length: 7.5m
Width: 2.9m
Height: 2.5m
Armor: STANAG 4569 level K2, M2a/b (Optional level K4, M4a/b)
Engine: DC 09 Scania AB Diesel 294 kW (394 hp)
Power/weight: 18.3 to 12.25 kW/t
Drive: 6×6 wheeled
Transmission: 7 gears forward+2 gears backwards
Suspension: independent coil springs (optional hydropneumatic suspension)
Operational range: 700 km
Maximum speed on land: over 100 km/h
Maximum speed on water: up to 8 km/h
In June 2020 the Norwegian company Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace and the Finnish comapny Patria Oyj agreed to a cooperation to work on the Patria Nemo mortar systems, central to the agreement is Patria’s Nemo mortar system. The partnership is based on Kongberg’s production capacity in the states and Patria’s long and world-leading experience in mortar systems. The cooperative relationship between Patria and Kongsberg has a long history, and this was further strengthened when Kongsberg Defence & Aerosystems in 2016 acquired a 49.9% stake in Patria.
In this agreement, a prototype has been made, with Patria’s Nemo and Kongsberg’s remote station M153A4 Crows, equipped one 12.7x99 M2 Browning machinegun. The vehicle has as far as i’ve seen not been put into service in this configuration anywhere, but a couple nations are considering and making up their mind, among these are the Usa.
This specific remote station is of the 153A4 CROWS and is built by Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, and it is equipped with the Tech Refresh wich is an update to the weapon system wich enables it to carry the Javelin missile launcher, but this is not seen on this vehicle, but it has achess to the new and various other changes such as new thermal sights capabilities.
The hull is the Patria AMW 6x6 and was designed and produced by the Finnish compary Patria, it was pirmarely designed for troop transport, but it has the ability to be modified and configured to fit and integrate a lot of different weaponstation, turrets and stuff. The vehicle entered service for the first time in 2021.
There seems to be some misunderstanding but i have tried to write it herr but i write it again, this is valid for both Norway and Finland but in this suggestion i am suggesting it for Norway…
This could be an interesting vehicle in-game to be added for Norway, (wich is the nation i am suggesting this vehicle for), Finland and or potentially others like the usa. Its a mortar carrier, that can fire on the move and with the Kongsberg turret also fight low flying planes and lightly armored vehicles, it would also have acess to nighvision with that, increasing its abilities. I believe it would work great as an short to middle range vehicle, as the 120mm mortars would work very simlar to various howitzers.

AMMUNITION 120mm Mortars
-HE: High explosive
-Explosive filling: TNT (2.0 kg)
-Shell body: Cast iron
-Flying mass: 13.0 kg
-Number of charges: 0+6
-Muzzle velocity: 103–455 m/s
Minimum/maximum range
8 400 m (3 m barrel)
8 000 m (2 m barrel)
7 800 m (1.6 m barrel)
Maximum gas pressure: ≤ 164 MPa (ESCP, STANAG 4110)
Service temperature: -46°C to +63°C -
-IR-SMK: Infrared Smoke
-Payload: Red phosphorus
-Flying mass: 14.0 kg
-Number of charges: 0+5
-Muzzle velocity: 100–391 m/s
-Minimum/maximum range: 300 m/8 300 m
-Maximum gas pressure: ≤ 150 MPa (ESCP, STANAG 4110)
-Obscuration capability: Visual/IR > 60 s
-Service temperature: -46°C to +63°C -
Flying mass: 14.0 kg
Number of charges: 0+5
Muzzle velocity: 100–391 m/s
Minimum/maximum range: 300 m/8 300 m
Maximum gas pressure: ≤ 150 MPa (ESCP, STANAG 4110)
Luminosity: 1 000 000 Cd
Illuminating duration Minimum: 50 s
Kongsberg/Patria cooperation
Kongsberg og Patria inngår samarbeide på bombekaster systemer - KONGSBERG
KONGSBERG and Patria team to provide turreted mortar solutions - Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace
Finsk bombekaster kan bli produsert på Kongsbergs suksessfabrikk i USA | Tu.no
Kongsberg og Patria inngår samarbeide på bombekaster systemer - KONGSBERG
Patria Nemo test fired at Nammo’s shooting range along with others
Folk fra 33 land reiste til Raufoss for å se Nammo skyte biler i fillebiter | Tu.no
The vehicle in action
Vehicle specs and cannon specs
Patria NEMO - Wikipedia
Vehicle history
Patria NEMO - Wikipedia
Ammunition data and specs
- Yes
- No