Game is shitty but players are worse. When you guys accept that maybe this game will change until then you just saying game is bad and when someone ping base to bomb all of you go straight for that base, writting get fooked, console pesant, level 40, no ping in this rank, you slow etc… just example.
So yeah game is shitty in some areas I will admit but most of you players are 100times more of a problem with your trolling and crying about nothing.
The main problem is that the game never really changed over the year except for the economy, some might say that it’s nice to have a game that keeps the same pace for years but not in war thunder, more vehicles gets added, same price as before, but the old vehicle prices stay the same and the rp cost stays the same meaning you get to grind with the same vehicle over and over and over until you finally get that juicy 10.3 tank/plane you wanted, and then there’s 4 more to go in the same line with even more outrageous rp cost, so you play over and over and over and over again with the same vehicle, add the swarm of chinese bots/cheaters that’s been plaguing the game for months now and you end up with really pissed players that just wants to end the grind as quickly as possible without caring for others while some other players just straight up leave, it’s the reason why the game is in such a decline now
Lack of actual fun game modes, only grind to suffer, cheesy players trying to milk every RP.
Not to mention the HORRIBLE Maps.
I can only confirm all this,
the same mode in the game for 10 years, whether it’s ground forces or the unspeakably boring realistic air battles, where you book a 5-minute approach and a short quickie.
A broken matchmaker that classifies you as a low tier in 98% of all battles and this unspeakable habit of gaijin to cripple good maps and turn them into rubbish maps.
A new coat of paint in the form of updates and new vehicles can’t hide the broken framework of the game. . . unfortunately, because the game idea is very good.
It’s just that gaijin is focussing on short-term players and not on challenging experiences for long-term players.