11 metres of armour! Volumetric is always fun!

I think this is pretty self explanatory XD. Even a railgun will not get past that armour, 11meters of armour.


This isn’t volumetric, this is alleged armor plating issue.

The AP/armour model is already a fantasy tbf

welcome to physics (granted that value is probably caused by a bug and should be much lower though it might have something to do with the shell normalization values)

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No way the turret is 11 metres though, not even MAUS turret is 11 metres.

It’s probably the normalization effect because AP shells hitting armor at an angle will penetrate less than hitting a flat plate

If you think that is fun, it treats the 3 mm. sheet metal fender as being 1000+ mm when struck edge on.

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It is fun when you tank shots you dont expect to survive.

The turret on Maus isn’t even that strong, even APHE can pen it with relative ease from front or back. It actually seems to have it’s turret armor broken in the opposite way, even when massive amounts of metal should be overlapping it barely goes past 1000mm

no, I mean the length of the whole turret itself, not the armour.