10.3's are getting hard uptiered to 11.3 all matches. Petition to rearrange armament

10.3s are getting hard uptiered to 11.3 every match. We should get these 10.3s with new armament and a 0.3 br increase in order to compete with the amount of BS we’re facing.

For example, f8e fn should get flares and four magic 1s, f8e (usa) should go 10.7 with four aim9h, f5e should go 11.0 with four aim9p4, f-5c should get four aim9j and moved to 10.7, j35d should get six aim9j, mig21 SMT/MF should get R13M1 and moved to 10.7, F-1 should get flares.

new episode of the hit comedy series “mantis posts cope” is now live!


i’m going to go on a flagging tirade like you do when i post anything, but this time it’s because you’re actually harassing me (like every time you leave a comment that provides nothing and is a straight up ad hominem, pretty much something this forum doesn’t like users to do). Because “mantis cope” is literally the only type of comment you leave in my posts. No addressing, no thinking, just straight up bot behavior.

I would say we need more BR decompression first then buff/move stuff around.

I think anything with good SARH missiles and radar should be moved up, then adjust everything else.


Of all these, only two are actual realistic loadouts which would be authorized

f8e (usa) with four aim9h

mig21 SMT/MF with R13M1

Everything else is unrealistic. Addressing the elephant in the room, F-5s with 4x heat seekers. AFAIK only select few export variants (Brazil being one of them, if I’m not mistaken) were wired for 4x missiles. None of the US Tigers ever were.
J35D simply couldn’t mount launchers the way J35XS can (J35D is older variant, XS is based on J35F)
F-1 never even had provision for flares (be it pod or built in launchers), but T-2 may have carried chaff pod?
F-8E FN… Not sure on the flares but I’m not even sure there really would be enough space to mount two Magic missiles on Y mounts

Just my two cents


If you could prove that these kind of load outs were used in real life I would support them getting them. But idk about moving then all around. At least not until more decompression like @CodyBlues said.

But that’s also coming from someone who hasn’t been to those BR ranges too much recently


Understand that recently we just got 13.0 Air, the reason of all this ground BR issue it’s because was never really decompressed,

We all hope that soonly we get at least 12.7, or maybe 13.7 with latest vehicles.

I maybe be going off-topic, but yes, I’m talking about Ground, because, same as in Air, this issue also affects Ground vehicles, I’m sorry.

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there’s so many unrealistic loadouts in this game, either for the better or for the worse.

ddressing the elephant in the room, F-5s with 4x heat seekers. AFAIK only select few export variants (Brazil being one of them, if I’m not mistaken) were wired for 4x missiles. None of the US Tigers ever were.

The f-5s are definitely the worst (fighter) planes of their tier, thriving only because people refuse to keep their speed and spend their valuable energy and positioning on dogfighting as soon as they get to the merge. Two hit or miss 20mm and two 10g- “”“20"”""g missiles at a br where the average is four 18g missiles. The F-5C and E are the zero and n1k2 of supersonic jets, and people still havent learned their lesson, and no, i haven’t had any issue 1v1ing or 2v1ing them.

J35D simply couldn’t mount launchers the way J35XS can (J35D is older variant, XS is based on J35F)
F-1 never even had provision for flares (be it pod or built in launchers), but T-2 may have carried chaff pod?
F-8E FN… Not sure on the flares but I’m not even sure there really would be enough space to mount two Magic missiles on Y mounts

This is some stuff that escapes my knowledge. But nonetheless if the f-4e is capped off from having aim7m and aim9m and mig29a’s from having r73s while the mig23 ml has r24r’s and r24t’s when it should have r23r’s only, why would we want “realism only”? That would place the Kraftei 163 at 4.0 with 12/1 thrust weight ratio and the j7w1 and ta152c-3 at 7.0 with the best flight models of any prop in the entire game.

Most, if not all, have some basis (if you’re talking about F-4F with AIM-9J, Smin showed a German manual with it clearly saying 9J was able to be mounted. “Technically” it can)

It was a hot minute but last time I played F-5E at 10.7, it was a monster. Potent little jet.
If it helps, the belt that I’d recommend is universal because it has more AP rounds. Good all round belt for A2A and A2G (speaking strictly ARB here)

F-4E is mashup of several blocks into one aircraft. I can’t recall details but someone did say that.
But giving F-4E 7Ms and 9M would unnecessarily put it higher BR where it wouldn’t stand chance due to lack of PD radar.
MiG-29s lack of R-73 is purely balancing decision AFAIK. 23ML, don’t know, sorry.


I dont think youve read the other posts in other threads of yours i make. I dont remember flagging any of your posts specifically, and I have flagged maybe 2 or 3 across my entire time on the forums.

Please read your old threads

Most, if not all, have some basis (if you’re talking about F-4F with AIM-9J, Smin showed a German manual with it clearly saying 9J was able to be mounted. “Technically” it can)

The aim9j was ditched from service short after the introduction of the f-4c, the first aircraft to equip it as it’s main suspended armament of heatseekers. It was then used as tester for the new platform prototypes to see how they did with missile avionics. This is why the f-16a block 10 has them stock and has to go through six of them despite the weaponry it has access to in service ranges from aim9l to aim9x and the block 15 could carry four aim120a/aim120b

It was a hot minute but last time I played F-5E at 10.7, it was a monster. Potent little jet.
If it helps, the belt that I’d recommend is universal because it has more AP rounds. Good all round belt for A2A and A2G (speaking strictly ARB here)

most of my games in it are like 4 kill assists 3 kills that didn’t get stolen miraculously. It’s not really potent, it’s objectively 300kmh slower than the rest, has less brute twr than the rest til it hits mach 0,98, it has horrible high speed compression and the flaps are ineffective besides being restricted to combat slats til 600ias where you can deploy takeoff flaps where it’s simply not advisable. I’ve really never had issues against it, besides it’s poor flare pod placement makes it very easy target for r60s from above. I remember having an absolute blast with it when the guns kept going 1200m/s til despawning like 2km away and aim9j’s ignored flares consistently. But once again the enemy was just mig21 bis and j35d’s; the ones you couldn’t out fight you could easily missile out and the ones you couldn’t easily missile out you could outdogfight all day . The belts are very good for ground too. Still the f-5c is a zero that can’t zero, and the f5e is an n1k that can’t n1k. As for the zero is slow and turns the best but drakens, viggens and mig23s ( these latter ones not anymore) could literally outturn it and outrate it in any scenario, not to forget about having double the thrust weight ratio at most speeds, while the f-5e has all the n1k issues of being slow and compressing like a brick while being unable to really outclimb everything like the n1k does, and having a 10.7 worthy armament like n1k having four of the best 20mm for props.

Once again, i’ve never had issues dealing with f-5s and even when i did, i would take 100 rounds and return to repair from the middile of the map. I just keep my speed and third party them while they’re busy dogfighting the morons that think it’s a good idea to keep their 12.0-worthy-but-not-bcuz-flareless-plane-duh at 800 ias once they merged with the first phantom.

I dont think youve read the other posts in other threads of yours i make. I dont remember flagging any of
your posts specifically, and I have flagged maybe 2 or 3 across my entire time on the forums.

I read you everytime you post because you’re the first in line to drop it, and it’s always “babe wake up new mantis cope post dropped” which you blatantly stole from me.

Please read your old threads

I remember them perfectly, as much as you commenting “mantis cope” and nothing more, nothing less, as always.

Okay, might be a stupid question, but could this currently be partly due to the sales that are going on? Same thing with a lot of the teams not being so good?

Also, I personally am going to be picking up the F-5C and Mirage F1C-200, so if anyone would like to give me tips on them I’d be mighty grateful :)

I assume you mean IRL
But then again, that makes little sense
F-4C was the first USAF variant to see service but AIM-9J wouldn’t enter service until way later (Maybe even some time before end of Vietnam War)
It was THE air force heat seeking missile before multi-service adoption of AIM-9L

stop using 10.3s

Mantis be like after reading that-


Far as I know, the Magic I could not be used on the dual mounts, for the same reasons Magic II could not be used on triple mounts developed for Mirage 4000 (fins too large). Magic can use pretty much any sidewinder compatible rail, so long as there’s space for it.

Flares are difficult to find good info on. We know they aren’t on the plane, but we don’t know if they were absent but hardware for their use remained, or if the hardware was deleted and it would be impossible to in-field retrofit flares to the planes.

I love the F-8 and wish I could fly the F-8EFN one day. But no flares is a dealbreaker against 10.3 nowadays. Someone points an all aspect missile at you and it’s game over.

Magic 2 is the bread and butter of this plane. They are kinda 2 free kills when rear aspect on AB targets. Especially hot ones like the F-14.

Carry 2 supers and a Center IR missile. The center IR is to force a turn out of the enemy if they notice it, or get kill if they dont, its usually not that usefull outside of forcing an enemy to do something.

Chaff pods for T-2/F-1 would genuinely be nice. Then they could actually play at high alts without fear of unavoidable radar missile death…

I went and looked around a bit and I did manage do find picture of French Crusader that has decent view of the area where dispenser would have been on it’s American cousins

For example this is USN F-8H (upgraded F-8D)

You can clearly see the dispensers here