Yugoslav Ground Tech Tree (Including Bosnia, Croatia, N. Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia!)

Nah I’m just fooling around but you probably know how many people want to see more trees in the game and just as much as Yugobroz would be upset if a post yugo/yugo vehicle landed in the ussr tree so would the guys that want the ukraine tree.
There’s obviously more examples out there but that’s kinda the point I’m trying to convey.
The devs have so many more vehicles to pick from the current existing domestic tree vehicles but they just happily refuse to do so, voiding so much potential with that.


Have not seen a suggestions for profile pics of Croatia/other Yugo countrys so here you go


Croatian pilot from squadron 10. (Kroat)/KG3 with the rank of oberfeldwebel near his German-made Dornier Do-17Z bomber on the Eastern Front against the Bolshevik’s Red Army.
The Croatian pilots of the Croatian squadron actively participated in the battles on the Eastern Front from October 1941 to March 1942 and from July 1942 to January 1943. Croatian pilots and ground personnel were dressed in Nazi Luftwaffe uniforms, but on the sleeves and uniforms had a special sign indicating that they belonged to ” Croatian Air Legion ”(Hrvatska Zrakoplovna Legija).


@Mahiwew try linking to other yugo tt-s like the air, naval and heli trees. Spreads the attention and increases interest.


BTW is the 30 mm Patria in croatian service officially designated CRO 30L or BOV P30? I cant find anything on what the croatian army actually uses. More often than not. IRL on display and in online sources like Đuro Đaković it is referred to as the BOV-P30. But other online news articles more often referrer to it as the CRO 30L.
I guess the most official we can get is with the Croatian MOD that calls it the “BOV Patria CRO 30L”.
So is it that ĐĐ is designating it as the BOV-P30 and the army is calling it the CRO 30L? What does the L stand for?


BOV-P30 is this, has this version of turret and its designated as an BOV(eng. Fighting Armored Vehicle) as was meant to be a light IFV and only fight infantry and other light targets, not tanks!! On the ĐĐ site u can see BOV-P30 with the old turret with the desert camo. I asume u missed that.


CRO 30L or BOV-P30L (BVP-P30L) is with the new turret which L stands for, BVP (eng. IFV ) this patria is meant to fight both infantry and tanks since it has the spikes.

Note: Our military logic, APC-only transports units, BOV- meant to transports units and fight infantry, BVP- meant to transports units, fight infantry and tanks.



Hi all. I was looking for something interesting on old forums and found something interesting! SPAA prototype based on Lazara. If you find more detailed information, you can include it in the development tree.


No I was wasn’t even looking for that. But it does make sense. I was just looking for the official designation of the Patria with the 30 mm and spikes. Found out there is a 40 mm equipped version.

So BOV is “borbeno oklopno vozilo”. Literal translation being “Fighting Armoured Vehicle”. So analogous to AFV which includes everything that has something as or more powerful than a 20 mm cannon. And BVP is “Borbeno Vozilo Pješanstva” → “fighting vehicle infantry”, so an IFV.

So it doesn’t make sense to me that BVP is a designation for something heavier and more capable of taking out other armored units than a BOV. Unless we are in a scenario where it can be listed as a BVP but called a BOV.

Unless the croatian or the serbian armies have set definitions of the two, to me they are very much interchangeable to me. I guess the intent is all that really matters.

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That’s definitely a photoshop.

Here’s a first look at the refurbished Croatian Bradley. @Yontzee


I do think they are very often interchangeable in public and army eye, so calling it both to me is fair. But will say BVP M-80 versions are called BVP since they have 2 weapon sistems. Nevertheless i still see all the BVPs called BOVs, so i really dont know anymore.

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Absolute +1 for Yugoslav tech tree. Would be really nice for REDFOR Ground Sim as well, as it would give an option for a third nation to play whilst having distinct differences to USSR/Russia and China.



I really hope that this leak is fake and that Eastern Europe Countries (Yugoslavia) will not be a subtree to the Polish tech tree.


Even worse than just a Yugoslav sub-tree. From how it’s worded it seems like it would be Yugoslavia along with other nations as a sub-tree, which would make it even more diluted.


I guess thats how they are going to get mostly unique vehicles in the tree. Weird that they dont show the rest of the yugo countries.
Also probably the least controversial way the could add ukraine to the game.

Personally don’t mind it that much. Maybe if they call it the polish TT but only 1/3 of the vehicles end up being polish it would be stupid. And if the most unique vehicles from the sub countries end up being premiums, well. Never has the community been able to sway that decision.

But i thought Poland would be grouped with Lithuania and the other baltic countries. Or With Ukraine.

Its still early days. Maybe we can change their minds.


Screenshot 2024-10-14 at 19.15.57

Yugoslavia and Ukraine as Polish sub trees.
The tree doesn’t make much sense, lots of wasted potential.
As far as we know, this “leek” could be inaccurate, which if you think about the recent additions to other trees, it could be.


Dark times ahead, stay strong yugobroz ( and by that accord all of the other trees still pending to be put into the game)


The leak seems very suspicious, idk if I’m the only one sensing something is off.

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I mean, it’s either of these two:
-theyre trying desperately to squeeze more money out of the game or;
-were actually getting trolled;
Given their poor history of managing things i wouldn’t exclude the first option but that’s just my opinion ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I’m very suspicious of it too. Singapore, Indonesia and North Korea going to China? Not happening.

I think they’ve taken prior leaks (Osa, Swiss F-5 + F/A-18, etc.) and just surrounded it with speculation. I highly doubt half of the ‘confirmed’ stuff is actually confirmed.


Why are you guys so against Poland and Yugoslavia together? I get it if Poland is introduced, and Yugoslavia placed as a sub-tree (or vice versa), but a combination of the two in a fictional coalition would make for an awesome tech tree, along with Ukraine, as all of them use heavily modified foreign equipment, mostly Soviet, and it could reduce copy paste.

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