Yes, Weekends are "Different"

If you play through the weekdays AND STILL play on the weekends too; your weekend matches are controlled to be more disappointing and less “fruitful.” So yes, for people who play 7 days a week regularly, the weekends ARE “different.” On purpose. It’s to keep your progression “controlled.”

It’s an F2P after all. This shouldn’t be controversial at all.

Not replyling to anyone in here.
Fully expecting condescending replies and a lock.

Have fun.

(lol, typical responses; amazes me how people think match control is somehow crazy or conspiratorial or insane to think; it’s an F2P business, of course they control this, down to such a level, that’s EXPECTED, it’s nothing crazy or conspiratorial; what IS crazy and conspiratorial is believing when they say they don’t and freaking out when anyone mentions it lol… Are you expecting cookies or something? Listen: ALL. F2P. GAMES. ARE. RIGGED. All of them. It’s baked in to the concept of F2P gaming. War Thunder isn’t any better or worse than anyone else for doing it, and it’s not angry or accusatory to say they do it. You might as well say the sky is blue.)

(ALSO lol @ once again Gaijin relying on the same usual forum bullies to do their social shaming dirty work for them, as if I did something wrong by pointing out what really is obvious to anyone with a single brain cell)

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Cool… More consistency from you.


I think it’s just based on demographics. Different age groups have different play times and also different obligation/dedication groups also have different playtimes (or rather - people with more regular responsibilities drown out those with highly irregular work hours or unemployed people or people on vacation)

I observe vastly different levels of maturity across the clock and between EU/NA servers. That change in maturity correlates well with change in griefing behaviour.

For instance, in EU servers I observed a significant drop in difficulty ~UTC+2 18-21, then a spike in premade squads and actual teamwork ~22-01 during weekdays.

Weekend EU 10-16 I likewise find matches to have much more… oblivious opponents (and teammates) to put it gently. Whereas in evenings difficulty goes up again.

Weekdays during regular EU working hours (at UTC + 1 for germany - 06-18 for commute), skill levels seem to rise significantly given only 2 kinds of people (from the EU server at least) play during these hours: Folk with irregular schedules (likely a minority) and people who have no responsibilities for one reason or another. Plus, people from other significantly different timezones-

In sim lobbies I’m yet to get enough consistency to observe patterns like this, but even there seem to be hot-spots of competent axis, competent allies; bomber spam on blue, bomber spam on red; lots of new players vs mostly experienced ones. Mostly the patterns with higher skill tend to line up with late-evening weekdays for EU.


Its because you get way more squads and the 20 year old match maker ignores account level, experience, stats, squads, everything and ensures you are 70% uptiered in a game with 150-190k concurrent in order to frustrate you, because they think autists playing tank games are going to be that stupid, then pay money for obvious frustration tactics.

Yes tovarish all is different on a Weekend, also Friday after the next Friday.
a man wearing an aluminum foil hat is sitting in front of a computer



You have to admit that it’s not even necessary for Gaijin to have a finger in that particular pie, the sheer influx of braindead weekend warriors kind of does that all on it’s own.

“Rigged” can have a pretty broad definition; does Gaijin employ various psychological tricks and a few dark patterns here and there to encourage you to spend money? Of course they do, that’s a given. Do they artificially influence matchmaking? That’s a question you can’t really positively answer because there is no way to get actual factual hard proof; and unfortunately “because I said so” isn’t a valid defense.

Doesn’t mean I don’t disagree with you that there are shenanigans afoot, I definitely think their MM does a lot more than they claim it does, and you could in theory do some statistical analysis on it, but you can’t get at some of the data easily so it’s not something you’d “just do” and would turn into a somewhat complicated project that may or may not prove you right after all. Because chances are that you’re wrong, that I’m wrong, and that we’re all just imagining it.

There is, of course, also the chance we’re right. But nobody can tell - definitively - what exactly the situation is. Thus no matter what you do or say, it remains a polarized issue where you aren’t going to convince the “nah it’s impossible” crowd that it’s possible, and you aren’t going to convince the “it’s possible” crowd that they may in fact be imagining it.

Just put them on ignore. I’m pretty sure (without reading the replies) that Alvis is once again in fine form…

No I noticed this too it happen with a lot of the grinding games that the weekends are hell to play cause people have more free time


The typical player may not be an idiot, but “he” just plays like one.
And on weekends it’s all the more noticeable because of the influx of relatively inexperienced players.
But the “ dummies” are on both teams, so it should even out.


Controlled how?
Different how?
Do you have any data to back up your theory?


OP @Rikers_Beard should just play sim EC. You pick your own lobby. Even if this assumed rigging is there in other game modes then sim should be free.

moral of the story: play simulator battles.

And since you can observe similar trends in sim despite there being no mm(frequency of zombers, average skill level, quantity of newbies) - i think the demographic argument is quite probable. That is to say more inexperienced players play on weekends than weekdays for self evident reasons.

Yeah I personally don’t believe OP’s allegations but just trying to shill sim mode at every opportune moment.



Makes outrageous claim
refuses to elaborate or discuss

Just why?


Not really ,it’s just some servers are more busy at certain times and some servers are full of people from certain countries. Go onto the USA server at a certain time and you will find many of the people playing are Chinese and Asian and you may have a harder time of it.
Go on when its night in the USA and it may be easier than when its day time.Weekends is more likely to have more players and better players as a result.You may also find heavy traffic means more chance of encountering a cheat.

@Stona_WT can we get this thread locked (they also are rage baiting in another thread about bomb drop speed limits you should check out lol)

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It wasn’t even him who made bomb release one it’s just him being controversial wherever he can, the guy who made the bomb release one was asking a legit question he just came in and ragebaited lol

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