XM246: The American Gepard!

the source for the date i got was wikipedia but cannot find anything else unless i ask someone about it, so far im using, globalsecurity.org and designation-systems.net for the info on date, since info seems to match with what i have, build and design dates etc

Do these sources mention the use of the MPF round though? Because the M247 was chosen over the XM246 in 1981, meaning that this ammo could’ve been pointless to continue developing if the U.S. military wasn’t going to accept the 35mm caliber into service.

they do not mention proxy fuze for 35 mm but mention the possible build of a point fuze detonation ammo wich is where i got part of my info from

Hmm, I wonder then if the idea for the point detonating fuze was for 40mm caliber, or simply a plan in case the 35mm caliber ever came into relevance again.

as far as i could get it was for 35 mm, the proxy fuze for 40 mm was called more in the page but nothing out of that

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