Why was the F-15E/I nerfed after just one day?

Didnt say I had a problem. Its just funny.


Vehicles are only “nerfed” when new information from documents is presented, researched, and verified.

Also the 229 should be producing less thrust below mach 1 when in the F-15 than in the F-16 because the F-15 has higher channel losses due to the longer mach-2.7 compatible air channels.

While the F-16’s air channels are designed for <2.1 mach.

Pre-nerf F-15E:



The faster the top speed the lower thrust the engine outputs below mach 1 typically.

Here’s F-16A vs F-15C comparison:
14166kgf at 1077 IAS.
7803kgf at 1023 IAS, 2020 TAS, 12140 meters.
F-15C [JM}:
12930kgf at 1078 IAS.
7760kgf at 1023 IAS, 2021 TAS, 12140 meters.


Prove that F-15E is over-performing. Otherwise your claim is unfounded.
Also R-77 doesn’t have unrealistic turning performance.

Actual disinformation.
1- It’s no different in offensive capabilities to F-15C MSIP II and F-15JM, it just does the edge case of high-alt BVR slightly better. Su-34 is also its equivalent despite being slower.
2- Vehicles are changed due to verifiable information about the vehicle.

F-15C MSIP II already had its capabilities long beforehand.

Sure, when M1A2 SEP 1 & 2 get removed, and when AGM-65G gets removed. [not my actual views]

Not what’s happening here, the change is occurring due to new information.

“Don’t take this as concrete, though! If you want exact numbers, test it yourself.”

People take changes in the worst emotional state.
Take a while to calm the mind, and think about the changes as a whole.

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As it should be, and I will stand by this until the end. Lets be real - going forward this will happen more and more, simply because nations dont have anything to compare.

Tell me with a straight face that a SU-57 is on par with an F-22 or F-35. The only option a lot of tech trees have for stealth aircraft going forward is literal copypaste F-35s - the only exceptions are China and Russia, the latter of which I seriously doubt has anything on-par with them.

Ahistorical nerfs/changes will be happening more and more as we advance more into the stealth era, and you are simply going to have to accept it.


And F-15E adds upon those capabilities. What did the other nations get this update as counterparts? Nothing. And the Su-34 is no competitor to the F-15E in air battles. Germany had to deal with F-15C in MiG-29s and F-4 ICE, and now the have to deal with an even faster and more powerful F-15E. If Gaijin is going to shoehorn a more powerful version of what is already arguably the most META fighter at top tier into the game, then at least do the same for other nations and give them competitors.


I’ve already been complaining that Typhoon and Rafale weren’t added with F-15C MSIP II since that was added.

My views are consistent and hold true in this regard.

Su-34 has a meta radar, 8 BVR missiles, meta RWR, and good countermeasures.
Su-34 also still goes mach 1.15 on the deck and can rip its own wings at ~1.20.

I find myself agreeing with you, which I find somewhat disturbing. (Not that you are wrong ofc)

okay I just want my funny dorito plane to be accurate smh

If a fuel tank and a track can do so , what stopping a few pieces of ERA ? Yeah and like the guy said , if you think they are overperforming , make some bug report

Also it doesn’t “stop” it simply take all the spall , it is because you people want the game to be more realistic and tank are more modeled than ever , we get that , thank for nothing. Maybe you should cry about something else worth crying about other than Le russian Biased

T series when 290mm+ APFSDS pen their low , they die.


LOL, I can’t bro. The Su-34 is a flying PIG. It accelerates worse than any Flanker variant, it turns way worse than any Flanker variant, which are already horrible at doing that. It climbs worse than any Flanker variant, it lacks HMD for its R-73 and BVR missiles, which means that it basically has to point its nose at an opponent (which with its utter crap flight performance is very hard to do). Its R-77 missiles are very much lacking in range and because of its slow accel and climb rate, you need to close the gap by a ton to hit anything. And yes, it does have a good radar. And RWR. The F-15s have enjoyed good radar and RWR, and plus flight performance and missiles. The Su-34 only fulfills two of those categories and they’re not even the most important ones.

But hey, it can do 180 degree cobra! That makes it very OP.


I mean no , I am fine with stuff being accurate , if it mean it will give the player a better experience to play or be more balance. Not because le game should not be realistic, it is about the player experience and at least everyone should get somewhat balanced gaming experience. Not one nation yapping about how they should be the best


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I don’t want to hear people who say “I’m so good at the game get rekt lol” while playing vehicles that are inbalanced.

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Then don’t turn much… use it as a boom & zoom BVR bus that it’s supposed to be in the first place.
HMD Is more of a hindrance than a good thing. HMD for maybe 1 in 5 battle shots with only 2 AAMs… lol
You have 8 BVR missiles to get rid of before that point.

Gripen is slow to accelerate yet it didn’t change its capabilities.

unlucky , there is nothing we can do when the only thing the majority talking about is US US Abram. Still waiting for minor nation to get better SPAA or even competitive jet

If only R77 isn’t such a mid *ss ARAAM at long range lmao. Su-34 is literally Su-27 but worse. The ussr really doesn’t need another AAM slinger considering they already got one , a good one at that. Still don’t understand why bro feel the need to sugarcoat the damn thing but aight , if you insist

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Did you miss the part when I went on about the inferior climb rate? Unless now you tell me to sideclimb for five minutes with 40+ minutes of fuel before I enter the battlefield. You can’t boom & zoom if you can’t get into a good position on the battlefield, which the Su-34 struggles to do.

And you’re saying that a very specific type of playstyle is needed to play the Su-34. What is the playstyle with the F-15? It can climb without sideclimbing, it can easily get to speed and altitude, and with its AIM-120s which have a lot more range than R-77s, you can easily take control of the airspace above. And even down on the deck, the F-15s still have great flight performance. Su-34 can’t do any of this.

You cannot deny that with the Su-34 it is way more difficult to play effectively in air battles than something like a F-15.

But this is all beyond the point. The point is that the F-15E and I were added without anything of equal level for other nations, at least for air battles.


Eh, they have some legitimate complaints about the abrams, and minor nations do generally have competitive jets. (Japan (?), Sweden, etc.) Its honestly the lower tier aircraft that need looking at cough cough J22-B and early jets.

SPAA though, yeah, everyone needs better SPAA except the ruskies.

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Yeah like one single competitive jet , the amount aint there and nothing come close to what the US have in term of air supremacy in ground and air battle. The multi-role just make them way better than their counterpart in other nation and their export variants. Also germany is a major nation , just saying

Germany’s situation is hilariously bad for air.


*except in AB somehow, apparently the ICE is quite good there.

It appears your post thinks we’re talking about props.
Climbing stopped being necessary the moment afterburners gave 1:1 TWR.
Even Su-34 has a TWR of 0.97:1 with 45 minutes of fuel on board.

Su-34 weighs a bit more than the Su-27s while also having a bit more powerful engines.

Not sure where you’ve been that the standard playstyle of all top jets is “a very specific type”.
Su-34 is not more difficult to play, it’s quite literally just a standard mach 1.15 - 1.2 deck speed jet with an average TWR, an airbrake of a wing, and meta weapons. It accelerates as fast as Gripen with better overall capabilities outside the mythical rate fight dogfight.

F-15E and I have equals: Su-34, F-15C MSIP II, and F-15JM.
Those 5 aircraft don’t have their other equals: Typhoon and Rafale.

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