Why isn't the Eurofigther able to carry 12 missles like irl?



Here you can see the Hardpoints of the Eurofigter. You can see that it can hold 12 missles and one droptank. So why isn’t it able to carry this in War Thunder?


I can only find two photos of the Eurofighter showing it’s weapons, it’s also worth noting what we have ingame is the block 10 of Tranche 2, so its capabilities are different
Also in your photo, there are only 10 possible hardpoints, as the ones outlined in yellow are where drop tanks are commonly seen
Also, here is this post: Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 2 Block 10: Typhoon Gets an Upgrade
Edit: got it wrong, we have B10T2, mb


No concrete evidence has been found for AMRAAMs being fitted to the inner wing pylons.

The general conclusion I think is that its possible, but has likely never been done in peace-time and certainly no photographic evidence or non-classified documents have been found yet, if any even exists.

What operational deployments the Typhoon has partaken in to-date, such as OP Shader, mostly involved Close-air-support and so there was no need for a heavy A2A fit.

So it cannot be done in game currently nor can it be added.

Out of all the issues the Typhoon has though, its the least impactful imo, with the radar being the number 1 priority to be fixed

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I know that the outlined one are usually used for droptanks but can be used for weponary too.

This image is from wikipedia and shows it should be able to carry 12 missles.
Source:Eurofighter Typhoon – Wikipedia

Wikipedia is not a usable source


First off, why is German wikipedia more detailed than English? More reason to learn it ig
Second, Wikipedia isn’t seen as a trustworthy source, you can use the citations to primary documents that they give though
Third, I couldn’t find much documentation but here are some photos I’ve found and most confer the ability for 10, but its worth noting in the first that there is an unused hardpoint, as the chart suggests




I am gonna mention something that I had thought about recently

Warthunder severely neuters aircraft in the name of balance, rather than having their correct implementation, which in turn removes many of the balances that these aircract had IRL, which I’m not advocating for historical BR and whatnot, but it would be cool if they had a mode (in RB) that had them implemented historicaly and in BRs as it would have been IRL, instead of balancing it.

Of corse is everyone able to write something in wikipedia but usually you can trust it

“Now Tony, I don’t mean to get overbearing here, but you already got the Top Tier jet in the game by a pretty good margin. Ain’t that enough pal?”

“Bud, I need more powercreep for my Eurocanard, not less. Fuggedaboudit.”


It’s a Su-27 with 3d-thrust vectoring and 14 missles that are way better than the AIM-120 on it’s way to the game

Here is another source wich says the Eurofighter could carry 12 missles

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That is not a photograph of a Trache 2 Typhoon with 12 missiles.

I can’t read German well so I looked at the chart for placement, the only one with a total of 12 was for SEAD/DEAD operations, which carried 6 anti-radiation missiles, 2 IR AAMs, and 4 ARH AAMs

Yes but if you scroll diwn you will see that it can

Yes but it shows that the inner pylons can be used for missles

No, there are no photos in this topic with confirmed Tranche 2 aircraft.

True. Sry i didn’t see that. But is the difference between Tranche 1 and 2 so big? Avionics yes but two additional pylons?

check its manual

Which is Classified…

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Here we go again