Man, I invested a lot of money and time to get to the top tier. I have the right to complain. I did not ask for anything that would ruin the game
the dutch are a french subtree (they should be their own tree with Belgium and Luxembourg but that’s not the point)
2E is a tech demonstrator to the requirements of the Spanish army, not German. that will go where gaijin decides Spain should be.
Its German made so Germany
The 5 lines rule gaijin uses is regarding full SUBTREES, not vehicles that get added into an already existing line. Which is why Britain still got the SA GripenC, eventhough they already have 5 lines in their air tree
I refer to my previous statement
yeah like everyone else who grind the tech tree.
calm down dude, Im not against adding more leos to Germany, Im just saying that those leopards we have rn isnt that bad while playing
Yes, it is quite good.
Wasnt the 2A6EX the demonstrator and the 2E the name for the version that went into Spanish service?
Yes the export model Is the E
I believe so, the 2a6EX i think is what went to the greek army too
Hah don’t like it when something other than Russian tanks have frontal hull armor hah?
not to mention that the armour on russian T64 evolutions overperforms massivley
Don’t have as good backup like the swedish (the manufacturer really?)
it is the complete reason why Russian dominate before 2A7
i mean sure it might not in some long-range map but CQC cluster F average WT match? when entire hull is green to Russian while Russian enemy has to aim some weak spot
It took 2A7V to dethrone them
yeah, that fair right?
T-80BVM is pretty bad and in general I perform terrible in any T-80, honestly, the armor is ok but just because I said something is better than T-80BVM doesn’t mean I don’t want the specified object to be better, I’m just using it as reference to determinate something is well armored or not because for months T-80BVM been main topic regarding overperformance of kinetic energy explosive reactive armor. That said, I prefer the Type 10s composition of armor, yet doesn’t cover much but a thin portion of the upper half of the front of the chassis and the front of the turret but still hold a lot of shots if it’s badly placed.
It pretty much only few tanks that can go toe to toe with Uparmored Leopard
same go as BVM the only few tanks that able to go toe to toe with them are uparmored Leopard
and the nature of average WT maps you know how it’s going.
Yes you mentioned the map, regarding this, that’s why I prefer T-90M, it’s not mobile as the T-80BVM or any other Western MBT like the AMX 56 Leclerc, when I’m fighting for a street corner I would prefer to go for it at solid 30 km/h with good armor to have time to think rather than 70 km/h and dying in the proccess. Friend of mine have the opposite opinion and states the T-80BVM is better, I say don’t,
If we’re getting at a point of 200 m/square maps, at some point T-80BVM may become obsolete when uparmored vehicles like the Leopard 2 HU and maybe at some future the Leopard 2E that, if I’m not mistaken uses the same Chempro as the Strv 122 does, then yes, it will be very useless, because I think it’s just me playing it wrong at the moment.
Yeah, that why i always anti small maps in high tier it made no armor tanks next to useless
light tanks can’t work fast moving light armor MBT can’t work the only armor vs armor is work
Yeah, I know it fair that Russian tanks vs Uparmored Leoapard fighting in street but the other they almost have no chance against both Challenger best example they not gonna be able to fight both in street because soon as they pop out it die.
Greece uses the 2A6HEL, as far as I know.