Literally me ⬆️
But if your asking why it gets airspawn, it boils down to it being a strike aircraft in game. And in game, strike aircraft have airspawns. At least up to like 8.0
I do agree it’s faster than almost all its competitors, except in maybe a full uptier. I’ve hit like .85 mach in a full speed dive once or twice. Then panicked into the ground, but that’s besides the point.
I also have had a few memorable dogfights in it as well. I once killed a Yak-3U (I think it was a U, but I do know it was a yak 3) in stalling vertical rolling scissors kinda dogfight, but that’s only because the other guy had atrocious aim. I mean I stalled out in front of him and he somehow still missed. And yes he still had enough speed to maneuver enough to hit me.
I also was able to force a spitfire Mk.9 to overshoot in it once and then we went into a stall fight and I was able to get a lucky shot off and kill him, but that wasn’t much of a dogfight.
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Are you saying I have a skill issue?
Most of the people countering my arguments have a skill issue. The others not so much. Then there’s the guys that overrate an aircraft. (Key word MOST of).
Okayyyy. It was a yes or no question, but idrc about what you think of my skill.
I honestly think it’s a very potent aircraft, that is extremely scary to see in a bomber, or any aircraft (especially when it’s above you). I love it, and it’s probably one of my most played aircraft. And I honestly think that it can hold it’s own in a dogfight, but can’t really do a long drawn out one, at least in my experience.
Overall, I agree that it’s probably one of the best aircraft at its BR and could possibly go up a little, but it probably won’t
What’s the point of this

if then you do a full 180 and agree with me?
Oh, because I don’t think it’s agile. Maybe at medium speeds, but not really. I agree with most everything else you said. But I in no way agree that it’s maneuverable.
And those dogfights I mentioned were all true, however my opponents were not the brightest and I got very lucky with that
Also, it’s just easier to appease you then try and put my opinion out there… You make it so difficult for anyone to have an opinion that differs from yours, and post it in your threads
Edit- I also never didn’t agree with you. I am slightly rushed with these comments because I’m in the middle of a move rn, and don’t have good Internet at my house rn, so I can only get it when I’m out of the house
well in this case this guy gives me zero chance if we go la9 vs la9 or la9 vs anything similar. And yet despite having flown do335 relatively recently (and few) this is the very first duels i’m doing with him. I lost once and then gave him no chances for the next six engagements.
??? I’m a little lost by this?
summed up: he’s very good in la9, he wins me almost everytime when i get la9 too, or f8f, or anything similar. But only lost once or twice with the do335 and this is the first time I use the do335 like this with a same energy state merge.
Ahhh ok. Who do you happen to be talking about?
Also, I still stand by it not being very maneuverable, but it does have enough energy retention to do some vertical maneuvers, but nothing crazy. But again that’s just in my opinion and my personal experience.
Also, with the airspawn it does get some very nice energy advantages over enemies, so you can stick with those safer vertical maneuvers that will retain your energy advantage. But still by no means is it super maneuverable. Again only in my experience, both flying and facing it. Also, the armament REALLY helps with the lack of maneuverability