why only the early and the late? so they can milk the hornet?
Because Gaijin can’t be bothered hiding P2W aspects anymore
This is the same case as the F-4S, but much more problematic.
made a bug report(also made f14b not getting the aim7ps) :)
I predict that F/A-18A from USA tech tree early service in early 80’s, but pre AIM-7P service
F-14D mounted AIM-7P such as F/A-18C
It should. If it doesnt its going to be outrageous f14b should also get them
yeap, the F/A-18 entered service in 1983 and the aim-7p entered service in 1990, not that big of a difference, also the A hornet was being used till then, while the early C hornet and the A+ hornet carried them, the A hornet was in service and was being used when then AIM-7p entered service, F-14B was also in service when the AIM7P came into service, so yeah they both were tested with 7P and used them, but its hard to find pictures because the AIM7MS and AIM7PS look the same
this is the only clear picture i can find of a A hornet firing it, dk if its a AIM7M or AIM7P though

this is the user manual for the AIM7P that, the F14S and the Hornets can carry them, id say only the F-14A Early cant, because it wouldnt be a early anymore, but yeah the f14b and the A hornet can carry them

heres the page front if you wanna check it:)
Giving the F-14B the Aim-7P would honestly be the thing that makes the aircraft viable again for me
While the radar isnt the best in my testing on the dev server the Aim-7P is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the M because of the datalink
Id even go as far to say it has the lethality of a fox 3 without the ability to notch it instantly
But i worry the 7P would be enough to uptier it to 14.0 in gaijins eyes and thats just NOT the case
R-27ER is a perfect example of a extremely good missile with datalink but its not viable at top tier still
After multiple dev server patches, I don’t think Gaijin will bother to hide this blatant pay 2 win in the update
It’s official. It won’t get it. Smin1080 confirmed it will be a pay 2 win premium.