Why does it seem the M1 abrams is extremely underwhelming?

Turret cheeks = Frontal armour.

Nobody is claiming the turret cheeks don’t have DU.

If you have a source which states the M1A2, M1A2 SEP or SEP v2 use DU hull armour, please share it.


Yeah because frontal armor ONLY EVER means turret cheeks. You clearly CHOOSE to perceive this this way.

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Compression. Tanks like the 2a7V and T-80 BVM should be a higher BR than they are currently. They should be more like 12.3. with that change. The Abrams wouldn’t suffer quite as much. So would the ariette and challenger. Etc


The m1 is fine where it’s at because it’s a jack of all trades type of tank where as the UD and Turms is more of long range type of tank.

The armor is fine but it’s the weak spots that make it frustrating to play sometimes. You made a good point regarding the turret ring but people who disagree with you often look past it in order to further their argument. Though @Necrons31467 did make good points, not acknowledging it puts a sour taste.

All abrams up to 11.3 is fine because of the tank it faces. It’s specifically the Sepv2 I have a problem with. When this tank was introduced, it was along side the t90m, and the 2a7. Where those two tanks were an upgrade from their predecessor, the v2 was not. the v2 is essentially v1 but with a crow station and non-removable era package (which does jack all). That’s literally it. The v3 should’ve been added instead of the v2 because it had verifiably better armor.

the reason why you think the abrams is underwhelming is mainly because of the players you’re paired up with. right now top tier us is filled with low level players.


This is a well rounded point of view i really appreciate. I’ve been playing more ground recently, and I kinda realized the M1 isn’t necessarily bad, it just has a few things I really hate about it.

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yeah, my biggest grip about the tank is the turret ring. Even if it does get it’s historical buff, it’ll only protect itself from auto cannon fire and earlier rounds but that in itself is a major buff.


I don’t think the T-90M was an upgrade over the T-80BVM.
The Leopard 2A7HU and Strv 122B+ introduced in that patch are much more problematic to deal with in an M1A2 than the T-90M is.

The SEP v2 was indeed disappointing, but the 5sec reload buff across all 120mm M1’s is what’s been keeping them competitive still.


simple answer is that it feels underwhelming because it is… its missing hull armor and its turret ring is a huge armor gap

I don’t even mind that the turret ring won’t make a MASSIVE difference. Just the fact that my turret neck isn’t penetrable by ww2 cannons is GOOD ENOUGH for me.

Do you mean the 105 armed ones or the 120 armed ones?

The M1 Abrams is perfectly fine at 10.3, I have 2.5 K/D in it which perfectly fits the other high tier NATO MBTs I’ve played lately, such as Christian II or Leclerc.

The base M1A1 is also very good, arguably undertiered at 11.0 and one of my personal favorites. Compare it to Ariete AMV (11.7), Merkava Mk.3 (11.0), Merkava Mk.4 (11.3), or Challenger 2 (11.3), Challenger 3 TD (11.7), it’s better than or a side grade of all of them.

M1A2 has the best firepower of any top tier MBT, coupled with above average mobility. The downside is protection, but several top tier MBTs are a side grade or worse in terms of armor compared to the Abrams.

When it comes to the Abrams, the trick is to not ever get hit, which if you’re good you will never. Of course, stuff happens and when it does the Leopard is better off, but as I said the Abrams beats out the Leopard (or anything else) in firepower.

TL;DR the Abrams has a high skill floor, high skill ceiling compared to other MBTs and is best in the hands of a pro player, but the Abrams currently suffers as a result of the utterly terrible teams who have no idea how to use such a vehicle.


I recently told another user that 80% of Abrams complaints come from inexperienced players that are US mains, just purchased one of the premium/squadron M1’s, proceeded to play top-tier without having any of the knowledge or line-up required to play top-tier, and then when they inevitably perform poorly they blame it on the M1’s.

And here we are, the first person I come across complaining about the M1 hits every number on that bingo card.


In that case Type-10 and Leclerc SXXI becomes better than M1A2 and Leopard2A7/Strv122’s becomes God Tier, even Ariete’s becomes amazing tanks if we use your Logic.

Unless you got ace crew on Abrams both Tanks (Type10/Leclerc) does have better mobility and consistent better reload which actually makes Abrams pretty average in that case.

Your Logic is doesnt make any sense, just like how Necrons’s and so called “bad players” excuse but knowing him he will keep saying the same thing.


Did I say the Abrams is better than the Leopard?

The Abrams is a perfectly fine tank and fits well at top tier, yes it’s weaker than the Leopards but that’s an issue with those tanks, not the Abrams. The Leopards need to move up.

I didn’t say the Abrams or any of the other tanks you listed are “amazing”, they’re not, but they get used incorrectly by the majority of people who play them which results in both the sentiment that it’s bad, and the terrible win rate.


They also shouldn’t have made the click bait a premium.

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Yep, its just a compression issue. You have around 1.0-1.3 BRs worth of tanks crammed into 11.3-11.7

There are many tanks that should probably rarely, if ever see certains tanks at that BR range and yet they are nearly the same BR.

2A7V, 122, BVM, etc should be a good full BR ahead of basically any 11.3 not at 11.7. WIth that change, Some Abrams, The Challengers, The Ariettes, etc all end their extreme suffering

Totally agree, the astounding lack of skill from these players angers me to no end. Why do experienced players have to suffer because of the terrible players? Can’t we get one tier in the game where we can play amongst other good players??


If this game were 1v1, i guess, but its a team game. Theres ABSOLUTELY no reason I should just be doomed because Billy with his moms credit card decides to buy a click bait and f-5C.

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Exactly. I don’t mind if you’re bad, we all once were, but don’t bring your lack of skill to the tier, at least in theory, where you need it most.

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Funny how only Us players are the ones who has constant skill issues while others performs really good right?

Or maybe just maybe the fact that Us constantly fights against Germany+Russia+Sweden combo and multiple inaccuracies on Abrams causing this mess, have you ever thought about that?

You didnt cause blaming playerbase is much easier than accepting the real problems.

Such a waste.


Maybe it’s a combo of all of that?

Lower skill players with high skill floor/high skill ceiling tanks vs the best nations in WT, sounds like a recipie for bad winrates.