Why does it seem the M1 abrams is extremely underwhelming?

They need to find someway to improve US winrates, right?

A MK19 or Jav isn’t going to increase anything.

Even if they add the Jav to the game, its going to complete dog ass just as the TOW2B is.

I guess there’s also .50 SLAP at very least, but it would improve performance against IFVs though M1147 AMP would also handle them. The 40mm HEDP of the Mk.19 and (Tandem) HEAT warhead (Variant dependant) of the Javelin would further assist with heavier targets.

So I would presume that it would be somewhat useful improvement in performance, the ?XM813? 30mm (Is the M230LF, both use 30mm, but either low pressure 30x113R(ADEN / DEFA / AH-64 HEDP)) used on the Abrams X demonstrator could also be backported to the earlier variants or incorporated into the M1E3 since its going to need a way to deal with drones and AHEAD / Canister / -VT shells will likely be quite useful.

Gaijin will botch Jav to be a useless FnF missile. So tandem heat doesnt mean anything if it cant hit anything.

Not happening unfortunately. Would be cool but ultimately Gaijin doesnt give cool stuff to vehicles “That could” mount something.

How?? it’s getting unpenetrable hull and turret cheeks and spall liners.

Sacrifice mobility for armor is very Russian but yeah it’s working for them so far (ingame not irl)

How APS is useless? it’s gonna protect from BMPs ATGM and vikhrs and spikes.

A3 is gonna be a good addition to stop old t80s from running around bouncing every shot.

I hope not too.

That’s the worse part, i don’t know if the turret is vulnerable to HE in the SEPV3.

It won’t because it would be volumetric and it would just richochet like most STRVs.

Optics will be, guess which nation benefits most when it comes to targeting those spesific points :)

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Hmmmm a nation starts with R?

I disagree 🤷‍♂️ for me a good change would have been remove the Tusk, or leave it as removable, or fuck it you can even keep it… but get rid of the crew serve bBS on top and give it the trophy system. That would have been a worthwhile upgrade IMO over what the sepv2 is now and it wouldn’t need the sepv3. I do “well enough” with sep, trophy and removable tusk would have been a welcomed upgrade for me as I said. Since a ton of my death of from guided munitions in the air. If that gives me a fighting chance when I don’t notice the helps and jets. That would have been good enough for me.

You’re entitled to your opinion, I’m entitled to mine.

That I would have been okay with too. More easily deal with some low flying Helos and lights.

I agree SEPV2 would’ve a good addition if they’ve added TROPHY and gave an option to remove or keep the TUSK, it just makes it fat and doesn’t do shit against anything, still 200mm shell from 2S38 can penetrate it easily not like the copium BVM side armor that stops a nuke.

But yeah SEPV2 addition is just total bullshit and just wanted something to give to the US that’s just fat and can be easy to target and spot.

Its because of the Ukraine war. This is propaganda pushed by Russia to make you think the better US tanks are worse than Russian tanks. Thanks to the war now. We all know that the Russian tanks are the worst in the world now by real combat video. They get destroyed “T-90M” by a M2 Bradley 25mm or a small drone with a RGP 7 round on it. This war has single handily proven the Bias of Russian tankS from Gaijin.


Well I mean to be fair, I’m pretty sure an RPG to the top of an Abrams would also go through top down, would it not?

That’s what’s happening with the shaped charge munitions. They’re not hitting the front and going through, or even the side. It’s always a top down attack.

Da comrade.

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Another funny thing about Abrams is that the turret ring weakspot is so gigantic even Obj279’s 130mm Shell can reliably penetrate.

Guess its too hard to make it volumetric and make it TUSK2 optional.


No comrade we gonna let them rot and suffer for years untill we fix it.


This is some massive cope.

Russian bias is not real. If it was, you would see it in more than a couple tanks. This is also a video game, where balance needs to be taken into consideration. Have you ever wondered why Russia gets modern stuff, while some NATO countries are stuck with 20-year-old stuff? It is because they are equal in capability in WT.

According to many people, the Abrams is a decent tank. It has some issues, but it isn’t terrible.

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This is factually incorrect. AGAIN (for about the 15th time this thread), this type of liner does not catch spall that has already been generated, it suppresses the ability for a backing plate to generate spall.

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does that even talks about spall liners before of the backplate?

this only proves that thin spall liners can reduce spalling but they are still in the interior of the tank not before the backplate…

Notice how they also refers to it as “backing”

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That is not what it is saying. It is saying that if the shock wave the interior surface of the backing plate is reduced to below the strength of the plate, the plate will not spall. It is entirely about how spalling occurs within the surface of the backing plate, not the location of the liner.

Yes, the backing plate is behind the liner. It is the inner-most layer.