Why Does Gaijin HATE Australia

Australia had started an indigenous jet fighter program which got as far as wind tunnel testing before being cancelled because of politics mostly. Video linked below about it gives a good overview. However, while I would totally love to have it in War Thunder, it probably shouldn’t be added because it never had a working prototype built.

Otherwise, most Australian jets will be local variants of existing aircraft. The CAC Sabre was a heavy redesign and the best Sabre ever built with a new engine and guns. The F-111C took various elements of other F-111 models that resulted in a unique to Australia model. The Australian Vampires also had a more powerful engine than what the British used. But yes, we have a lot of WW2 prop stuff as well.

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Good pictures of the destroyers of the Scrap-Iron flotilla. Especially at the end of their Med. service because they had a lot of peculiar anti-air weaponry modifications.

For example this drawing of HMAS Stuart shows a captured 20mm Breda and vintage Vickers-Maxim MGs. Unfortunately the book it comes from is filled with errors and is generally unreliable, so I was looking for photographic evidence.

Other ships include HMAS Vampire, HMAS Vendetta, HMAS Voyager, and HMAS Waterhen

I have been able to find some hi-quality versions of AWM images in various articles online at least.
like this image of HMAS Vendetta with a Breda from THE SCRAP IRON FLOTILLA
from the AWM https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/C206896

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Also the mirages and the one off mirage that was built to order for Australia but not collected. Can’t recall its details but engine power was considerable increase. And you pretty much covered the rest off the top my head. There were the Canberra’s too of course.

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Thing is we don’t want it and there is no union any ore with India. The tank is soviet design, not Western, doesn’t fit the trees at all. Meanwhile Australia a British realm who’s monarch is the same as Britain’s didn’t get their western tank in the tree. I’ve said this before many times. Assets of the Australian government are property of the crown. The Australian Abram’s AIM tanks which America never used in this configuration are ultimately property of the king of England.


The Australian built Mirage III.O has very little difference to a III.E that I know of. But yes it’d be in there. You were thinking of the Mirage III with an Avon engine that Dassault built purely to market the Mirage to Australia because they thought we’d be more interested in buying Mirages if they had an engine we were familiar with. Ultimately Australia decided this version was too expensive and stuck with the French engines.
The Avon engined Mirage was made entirely by the French but due to its purpose carried RAAF roundels through its existence.
The letter O in III.O funnily stands for Ostralia because “A” already existed as a model of Mirage III.


I don’t know much about the aviation industry history of Australia, but I guess you might not be very familiar with the aviation industry history of Canada either. Canada also has a remarkable aviation industry history. During World War II, de Havilland Canada and Avro Canada made significant contributions to the war effort. Canada produced a large number of Lancaster bombers, Mosquito bombers, Anson trainers, and so on. Before the war, de Havilland Canada started producing the DH.82 Tiger Moth trainer aircraft, and after the war, the Lincoln bomber was also produced in Canada. Entering the jet age post-war, Canadair produced the famous CL13, while Avro Canada designed and produced the highly successful CF100 interceptor, which served until the 1980s. The engines used in the CF100 and CL13 were designed and produced domestically in Canada by Orenda Turbojet. Although the story of the CF105 is a tragedy, it cannot be denied that the CF105 is a jewel in the crown of the Canadian aviation industry. In the 1990s, the Canadian aviation industry shifted its focus towards civil aviation, with Bombardier Canada continuing to design and produce several of the world’s most successful regional aircraft models. Pratt & Whitney Canada was founded in the 1920s, during World War II, it assembled Pratt & Whitney Wasp series engines built in the U.S. In 1952, the production of Wasp engines was transferred to Canadian Pratt & Whitney so P&W could concentrate on developing jet engines. And to this day Canadian Pratt & Whitney has designed and produced over one hundred thousand turbofan, turboprop, and turboshaft engines like JT12, JT15, PT6, PW100, PW200, PW300, PW500, PW600, PW800, etc…and like Australia, P&W Canada has participated in the F-35 program.

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No it really is Ostralia. See below link for reference.

The designation Mirage IIIO is of interest. With
some degree of humour, Dassault proposed the
designation Mirage IIIO for ‘Ostralia’ as the suffix
letter ‘A’ had already been allocated to ten preproduction Mirage III airframes.

Mostly aware of it. I’ve never counted it, but Australia might have the edge in indigenous designs and market unique modified/produced variants. However I think it’s very close, and together Canada and Australia would make a very fun tech tree.
On a side note, Australia also made Lincolns, then they made a special long nose variant for naval warfare and modified the bomb bay to carry homing torpedoes.
I’ll repeat it though, a combined Canadian and Australian/New Zealand tree is my biggest wish for this game.


We been waiting on OCE servers for 12+ years and still haven’t got one but NA/EU/RU/SEA/CN have servers but OCE doesn’t seems right us OCE players have been dealing with 180+ ping it just not right something needs to be done.

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becose of the kangaroos

Hunter F.58 shoulda been British ngl.

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Or at the very least. We should have gotten an equal like the Omani or Singaporean hunter that also has CMs or at the very least, they could fix the hunters we’ve got. The biggest slap in the face isn’t that other nations got the hunter. It’s that all of Britain’s hunters are nearly unplayable and yet Germany’s and now Frances Hunters are really strong


you forgot the beaufighter mk 21 :)

Can I say as a proud Brit and member of the Commonwealth that we should be upstanding for the Australian National Anthem ,the tune and words of which every true British person is fully familiar,let us pay homage to our Aussie brothers and sisters(in that order of course) and pray for the Aussie M1 to be placed where it should be in the British tech tree.

God bless Australia



Also the naval vessels

ah yes so thats 6 australian f2p vehicles now versus how many p2w vehicles? 7?

What? Are you in the right conversation? I mention there are Australian ships as well and you reply some rubbish about pay to win.

HMAS Australia would be quite cool to have. IIRC its the only Capital ship to commission into the navy of one of the Dominions.

HMAS Australia (1911) - Wikipedia

New Zealand and Canada also had sister ships iirc. We also had an aircraft carrier post war

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