Why Does Gaijin HATE Australia

I’m really annoyed that

  1. The beau 21 is rank 2 despite being much better than the Whirlwind.
  2. It’s missing 60% of its proper armament.

Is there though?

Gaijin’s theme song in the German technology tree is “Advance Australia” (someone on YouTube and Bilibili explained that Advance means attack)

Yeah, well… they can try!.. we will just set loose the Emus… they have been undefeated!


It’s not in Gaijin’s interests to create said rules.

We the players look at IRL tanks and wonder, uhm, where would this vehicle fit best in the current game’s architecture?

Gaijin doesn’t operate like that. They look at the trees they have, identify a gap or an opportunity they want to fill, and then they start looking for a candidate to fill that spot. Which candidate they select depends on a ton of factors, like how fast the turnaround is, and how many resources need to be allocated to get it done. As such, every decision will always be completely ad hoc.

Why would they give up having a free hand? In their shoes, would you?

When evaluating the state of WT, I always encourage people to think about two things:

  1. The game has grown so much and so rapidly that it’s an emergent property, more than a coherent game design. They’re not even trying to govern the huge mess of legacy systems and new additions that is the current game state.
  2. Incentives and disincentives that can nudge the devs into this or that direction.

That’s the only way you’ll be able to look at their decisions with a degree of clarity.

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my most favourite piece of war history


this is complete rubbish, no offense meant. if this were thee case we would have actual balance and we wouldnt have nations going without for literal years with gaps while other nations continuously get new content or even minor variations of something. look at the nations that need top tier CAS and jets and look how many su25 and ancestors they got in the last couple updates. this isnt just a comment on russia, this happens to all the top 3 nations continuously.

no one ever talks about how after the last failed attempt they switched to a bounty system and wiped the emu’s out. Emu problem solved and a lot of rich shooters :)

You incorrectly assume that the gaps Gaijin seeks to fill are always balance ones - or ones we would consider necessary.

You are once again thinking about this from our POV, not theirs.

From my POV the Indian T-90 makes zero sense in the British tree. From their POV it’s a quick and effortless way of adding a competitive top tier squadron vehicle to the British tree.

If they come up with a consistent set of rules for vehicle placement, they might not be able to do this sort of thing in the future. Why do you think they would tie their hands like that? Therein lies your answer.

if this was the case the abrams would have been in the brit tree

Why? If their priority was not pissing off the far more numerous American playerbase, then you would expect them to do just this.

That’s the whole point of deciding on a case by case basis. It gives them more freedom to choose.

exactly my point. they look after the top 3 and they dont care about balance or filling gaps nearly as much as making the top 3 nations happy and giving them what they want.

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You’re still missing the wider point. It doesn’t matter what Gaijin’s priority is, for the purposes of this discussion. What matters is that, whatever priority they do have, they have more freedom to pursue it if they can place vehicles wherever they want on a case by case basis. Therefore, if you expect them to implement a fixed rules system for vehicle placement, you will always be disappointed.

They always give rules though. Every decision they make when question comes with a justification. So many at this point they usually contradict themselves. They have a game where nations are represented, they make arbitrary rules at a whim and constantly go against them on a regular basis. If it was as you said they should just get rid of nations trees all together. But as it stands some countries usually the top 3 get favouritism and recognition while others get told they aren’t important enough to be given basic respect.

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A post exo facto one.

Of course. Because every decision is ad hoc.

Why? Commercially, nations are good for marketing, and a good organising principle to orient player grind. You and I may be bothered by the inconsistency, but why should Gaijin?

Because they inherintly insult their player base doing this unless they are a top 3. Some nations are good enough to get trees while others don’t matter enough to get the same respect by putting the in trees they culturally belong to.

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I started playing just after the British ground forces dropped, it was my entire motivation to get Warthunder in the first place and it’s the only tree I play. I’ve put in reports since 2016 or 2017 that are still unresolved, and I’m beginning to think I need to relodge them in the new system but even using that assumption that’s still 6-7 years waiting.

Would love to see at least a Rank 2 and Rank 3 Oz Cruiser in the Brits since there are 2x HMAS Destroyers.

I’m a Brits TT player, and I am fully agree that M1A1 AIM should go to UK TT!
I just wonder that does the India T-90 have any relationship with UK?Don’t tell me the reason of giving that tank to UK TT because that the PM of UK now is an Indian lol.
But Australia still gets a Union Jack on its flag right?So it’s fair enough to give M1A1 AIM to UK TT.
The only reason is that Gaijin hates UK and maybe the whole Commonwealth QWQ.


The official reason for the T-90 is that India is part of the commonwealth

Unofficially… Soviet tanks are OP, so slapping a T-80/T-90 into a TT that is underperforming is their default approach it seems. I’m expecting a T-80/T-90 in France and Italy TTs soon