Why Does Gaijin HATE Australia

Britain has been royally screwed by Gaijin with how they’ve added items to other nations. Leaving Britain in a very weak spot. There are other solutions but unfortunately, one of the most likely solutions they’ll take is to add a Canadian or Australian F-18 or a SAAF Gripen C to Britain because it would be the easiest and laziest solution for Gaijin to take.

(Vehicles like the Australian F-111C would make for an interesting event vehicle for Britain, though for our TT i’d prefer the TSR2)

I personally would hate loads of C&Ps and really want vehicles like the Sea Harrier FA2, but it would be fairly DOA on arrival like the F3 was.

Though that is another thread. This thread was originally about getting better representation for a few nations, in perticular Australia which has been very limited and with their vehicles scattered accross different TTs.


Except this is not always the rule. Switzerland is NOT an official sub TT of Germany, This has been confirmed by Gaijin. The Hunter F58 is not built by Germany, Its built by Britain. In fact its a modified Hunter F6 that is in our TT and about half of those sent to the Swiss were former RAF aircraft. Except the Hunter F58 went to the German TT and not the British TT because “reasons”.

This is the other half of the Problem. The rules change specifically it seems to screw Britian out of getting literally anything


I get so frustrated by the constant I sults people have for us by ignoring our identity as Australians. We are a majority proud nation who is still a realm of the crown, Britain is still in our blood and identity and people say it doesn’t count, effectively saying we don’t count while others who have separated from the crown get the focus and attention we are asking for as a matter of respect.


They need to add more sub trees to nations so stuff like that doesn’t happen

Yep, I havent even touched a single SA vehicle, but if we had Australian or Canadian vehicles in our TT, I would. They would have been a far better Sub TT to add with very interesting additions. Australia, Canada, NZ, etc are all still an important part of Britain’s History and culture.

More nations in general are needed if they don’t want to add more than one sub tree to a nation.

I’ve said before with our current rules: add one of the dominions(Australia and Canada) and give the other as a sub tree with the last one formally there.

Similar to a solution I’ve suggested for the Benelux before.

That would be interesting to see a Canadian, Australian and New Zealand TT with maybe 1 or 2 other extremely minor nations for Premiums in a single TT would be good

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I personally don’t care for a separate tree or a sub tree. I just want to see our vehicles in the tree they belong in and as they have already done it they can continue to do so. I’m not asking much just for gaijin to respect my country and our culture and history. They insult every service man and woman who swore their oath and wore the uniform the way they dismiss us.

The CF18 is an American jet. The Ram is developed from an American tank.

Yep, that would be great too. There is plenty of holes in Britains air and ground TT that could be easily filled with Australian vehicles and they’d be more than welcome

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Spitfire a British plane but in American premium line. Harrier based on British jet but in the American tech tree. Probably more if I look.

Britain got the T90. The rules got changed for you to get that tank.

The issue isn’t the rules. The issue is wanting certain vehicles you have no claim to.


Name one. Also we didn’t want the t90. Most people asked them not to add it. We would prefer nothing then have had it.

Indeed it’s a “Commonweath tree” a community favorite with our current tech tree rule.

So we have a better claim to the a fricking T-90 than we do Australian or Canadian Vehicles? How hypocritcal can you get?

For the record NO ONE wants Indian vehicles in our TT. There was continuous petitions to get htem to not add it


The the UK actually used the Ram(for training) but still more the US did. And another point the Ram is an Cruiser Tank so would have been used alongside Churchills.

Would of rathered a Candian leopard

There were a lot of options suggested.

Challenger 1 “Falcon”

won the poll for what should replace it. But yeah, that would have been good too

And to make it worse the T90 is our best 10.3 tank

It was added for 1 reason and 1 reason only. Because it was easier to add a T-90 as a band-aid/bodge/buff for out TT than it was to go back and actually fix any of the outstanding bugs for the CR1/CR2 or fix the TT in general to make it more popular. Expect to see T-series tanks (or Russian vehicles that always overperform) added to any TT that is underperforming in the future (this is why I really really fear but somewhat expect a Mig-29 for Britain TT this december, it would be the laziest solution for Gaijin to take)