The 105 mm rounds are for the L7 yes, and they are indeed tungsten heavy alloy. 105 mm L28 (built under license as DM13, M392 and m/61) uses a tungsten carbide core.
I mentioned the L7 rounds because, as far as I know, the 120 mm came afterwards, and was meant to be more powerful. It doesn’t seem to make sense to use a material other than tungsten heavy alloy when it was already available, and used for ammunition.
It makes more sense that the “copper cobalt” is simply part of the tungsten heavy alloy material.
Could mean it was more copper cobalt than tungsten in the A3 round like i said was off a document i read a while ago and may be mixed up.
Also why did you put the copper cobalt in quotes as if its a thing ive made up.
The L15A5 specifically mentions in most sources how it was a denser and better round than the A3 featuring a tungsten alloy core.
Mayhaps the a3 just wasnt as dense a round or good a round.
Regardless of the semantics of it, the L15A5 round is not identical to A3 in perfromance, as it is in game
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