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I’m gonna plug another video. The BFM library did not really manage to make the whole concepts of one/two circle fights click for me as well as this DCS tutorial.
And I found today that it indeed makes a massive difference (tl:dr is - do lag pursuit when turning towards an opponent who is perpendicular to you rather than lead pursuit. When they’re in a specific position, fly straight for a second or two to shift your turn closer and then pull harder and aim in front of them to try to align before easing back to aiming behind them if you failed) This allows you to very cleanly fall behind them for easier shooting. This has been a life changer in sim for me )
It’s jets, but applies to props just fine.
“The bandit will keep yoyoing like this indefinitely” is what made this one make it click for me.
This game really requires skill and intelligence, my friend. Just play and watch tutorials. You will get used to everything in 1 month. It may take 2 years to teach everything. <33
What are you trying to improve?
What controls are you using?
You JUST started playing the game. What were your expectations? That you sit down, play for an hour, and can immediately compete with others?
That may be the case for simpler games like Battlefield, but not here. The skill ceiling is ridiculously high, much like fighting games. There is so much to learn, such as plane abilities, piloting skills, ballistics, pilot psychology, and so on.
Expect spending at least 500 hours to get decent at the game.
You’re in the C.202, a pretty nimble plane, although there is better at this tier (such as spitfires and ki-43’s).
The Italian playstyle is a mix of energy-fighting and turn-fighting, so:
1.) Please climb to at least 3000-4000 meters
2.) If you’re trying to attack someone and you’re above them, wait for them to come up to you, so they become slow and easy to kill
C.202 is alright, but it’s not the best at this tier. Planes like the Yak-1B, Spitfire IIa, and the Bf-109 F-1 will kinda hand you your ass if they play it well.
here are some tips for air.
- until you get some experience, try some arcade (it will help you with your aim)
- change your gun convergency (for my 600 m works best, this affects only planes with guns in wings)
- learn you planes pros and cons (are alot of youtubers that reviews the planes)
- from behing its harder to hit the enemy, try to position better.