Wheres the ECM POD Gaijin

I know HRSS doesn’t work but it’s just the fact that it is pretty much the only one that really does have IRCM modelled except the other Russian planes (Su25s)

Having it on the damage model doesn’t mean anything other than it can be damaged.
AH-1W, Mi-24P, Ka-52, OH-58D, MH-60, AH-129D, AH-60… are some of the aircraft with IRCM; just most don’t have them as part of the damage model.

Is that so?


Explain to me what this is then

All three of US Apaches have that in game as well

No tail number to determine which Apache that was.
You also have to remember that 1- I always speak about base models, and 2- Apache models have blocks and modifications.

“95037” or “…87”

The point is
IRL, Apache has the ALQ-144 IRCM (nicknamed the “Hot Brick”)
Above one should be AH-64D albeit without the Longbow radar

All three Apaches have the ALQ-144 in game, you can check

Oh and this point is kind of moot, especially when you have F-14A and F-4E being mashups of few different blocks

I also believe the D has IRCM (it’s on the model by default), just that it is locked behind the flares/chaff modification. Though I’ve only heard that secondhand from my friends, so I’m not sure if it’s entirely true.

Fair enough. Haven’t flown my Peten outside heli PVE in years.

i thought the HRSS was the reason we couldnt target helis with stingers from over 3k.

The apaches definitely have working IRCM in game, it’s just less effective than the Russian DIRCM, due to it being much older.

Having HIRSS/HRSS [whichever the abbreviation is] does not change lock range currently.

helicopters can’t be locked over 3-4k by stingers.

Me failing to lock a heli with the type 81 (11.3) at 2km while using optical tracking

You aren’t looking hard enough! LOOK HARDER

I wish i could hug whoever made the type 81 and all stinger vehicles fail to lock a heli from 2km away. Because they clearly arent loved and im here to help them feel better.

dont forget the stingers missing its 22g turn ability.

But it cant turn because its smaller than our russian missiles that are similar? Theres no way they could do that!!

Actual joke of a reason given by gaijin

Guess the engineers at RAYTHEON dont know what they are talking about.

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In DCS they’re modeled as either you take the wingtip pods (and can’t remove them) or you take wingtip missiles. I think that’s a good way to do it, probably the way it should be introduced here too

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No, all J11As can not take wing tip missiles, ECM pod only. IDK why, but it seems like somewhere between Su27S Block 35-45 there are a few blocks, obviously including Chinese purchased Su27S block38/39, the ECM pods are like permanently attached to the wing tips, only J11Bs are wing tip capable, and have been spotted with PL8B.

Oh, weird. I didn’t know that.