Where is the armor on the Namer, Gaijin...?

Thats what ive been saying. Its not bad, its just locked to a certain playstyle.

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Nuke doesn’t mean the vehicle is good, Oddbawz even got a nuke on the Tortoise, but it still doesn’t mean it’s good, the vehicle has a lot of problems and you can turn it off super easily, even if the turret is just sticking out, either Mg you its Ammunition or just shoot them, he can’t do anything anymore, with the others you can at least take cover quickly and after a while you’ll have ammunition ready again, with the Namer you’ll be completely out of combat unless you get new ones. Even all the holes in the front hull are such big weakspots that you can easily take out the entire crew with a few shots from any autocannon and the fact that there is still a chance of taking out the entire vehicle with one shot of ammunition really doesn’t make it any better.


its an quite potent hull down machine, unless your enemy knows where is your ammo, if they hit it youre just useless for the team until you go into a cap zone, good job tho

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Yep ik, the side armor especially is pathetic. I’m not saying it’s fine, or that it’s good. Just saying it’s currently viable. I would love to see it get realistic armor and go up in br soon. (But gaijin is gaijin, that ain’t gonna happen anytime soon now is it)
Sidenote, keeping the turret moving in a horizontal fashion tends to make hitting critical components quite hard.

I just came up with an evil idea yesterday. After I got my nuke I decided to plaster my turret with a crap ton of bushes… mwahahah! I haven’t tried it out yet, but we’ll see how that goes >:)

I always loved how a dart to the breach never managed to touch crew members that are sitting 6 inches away on russian tanks.

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Ingame, the breeches are made of RHA, and some are 400mm thick. A prime example is the exposed breech of the low tier tank 2, be 1.7 Swedish SPH. Forget the name but you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Nuke #2 :DDD
This thing pretty disgusting when you use it right. Absolutely massacred light tanks at range, spiked a guy in the engine which let me kill him, and made use of the spotting. Not to mention the dead space in the back makes for great baiting and peeking around corner shots, since they shoot the empty mass spots, kinda like the Puma.

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It’s SLERA, which is a form of ERA with improved multi hit protection. This is true for all Merkava 4 based vehicles and I made a report which hasn’t yet been acknowledged



It’s not 100% reliable and it’s extremely annoying, but it significantly increases the missile’s effectiveness.

I think this is just how it should work by default.



One thing I’ve noticed is just how poorly the flight model of the spike is, it seems to behave just like all the atgms after that guidance nerf awhile back, and possibly making it difficult for it to hit where it wants to as well…

It has been acknowledged for 8 months on another bug report.

They sometimes just self-detonate.

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The missile sometimes switches between Direct LOS and Top Attack from missile to missile. It randomly just selects one and rolls with it.

It’s really annoying.


Currently grinding the Name and I have to ask that question: Who at Gaijin thought that this vehicle is ready for release? Who went “ahh… it’ll be fine”?
Grinding the Israeli tech tree was one of the most tedious and painful grind of all the TTs I played (everyone except Japan and China; Italy until rank 5) and finally made somewhat fun with the Merkava Mk.3s at 11.0.

But this thing is whole new level of masochism. Even if I leave out the ridicolously low amount of ammo that thing carries, the armor is a complete joke. Just got lol-penned by a BMP-2M frontally and given the confidence that player not even tried to use it’s ATGMs, I feel like I wasn’t his first victim.

What a huge disappointment…


Opened a bug report about the spike having an incorrect trajectory.


What they need to do is revert the missile guidance changes on the spike as well, since regardless of it’s trajectory, if a target is moving it completely struggles to even hit the target, especially center mass… but hey that might help a bit too

Yes, sure, you did a good job, but you shouldn’t post your nukes every time when the thread should be used more for vehicle problems. You can make a special post on Reddit about this.

from what i know the namer is as heavya s the MK4 because they took all the armor in the turret and put it in the hull front and side
its supposed to have a spall liner but need more information for that

Just proving it isn’t an incapable pos, even tho it can be better (and should be for historical reason) the turret itself lets it be a fantastic vehicle at its BR.