Where is the armor on the Namer, Gaijin...?

Just make sure that the info isn’t classified

It literally says on the manual, classified

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It’s a damn shame that the weight alone would get you in trouble…

Its just the rules bro, but plenty of evidence is out there. The Israeli gov is pretty notorious for not providing info because of the state the country is always in

That’s fair. It’s kinda lame though for video games.

I wonder if Gaijin will fix the T-90M weight since it’s incorrect.

Professor David Gershon, an expert representing Rafael enterprises in Israel, demonstrated the Shield KE explosive reaction armour used against APFSDS at IAV2021.


The reaction armour unit is a typical sandwich structure, with a vertical total thickness of 47mm and a large area, but a single action only consumes 0.1~0.2kg of explosive, which may not completely detonate the same unit’s load. It has the characteristics of low collateral damage and belongs to the category of SLERA. The inclination of the test target is ~60°, and the surface density is 725kg/m², which is about 92mm of heavy steel thickness.
According to the simulation picture, the thickness of the target plate is approximately ~6x40+2x100≈440mmRHA, the remaining wear depth is 54% (~350mm), and the standard wear depth is ~650mm.
Two tests have verified the effectiveness of the reaction armour, which can basically weaken the long pole by 50%. ( Use M322 armour-piercing bullets to shoot)
Looking at the damaged armour module of Mercava 4, we can see that it has similar structural characteristics to the new armour on display.


bro just write a report bro this is gold


@Stona_WT Sorry for the ping, but getting pretty desperate over here. Can you tell us of any progress on this report thats been acknowledged over 9 months ago and still nothing was done about it? https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/1eYOWMuJWJ3n




Is it legal for you to just say what is wrong without telling how it’s wrong?

I guess, the magnification is much much better irl.
Like better than the pantsir kind of better

well i guess we are not gonna get any answer about this :D

what a waste of time


They don’t care about those of us who play Israel. i report many things about this (bug, information not accurate, etc.) and all i get back is nothing event i found the picture of F-15C Bas M that use aim-120B not A and still they give us AIM-120A. that’s why I’m give up for this BS because they dont even care us who is mainly playing Israel.

FnFs irl: A threat to anything it can see

FnFs in War Thunder: “Hit…maybe”


If we show gaijin that enough players care then they will probably listen to us. Second sending an image my not be a way gaijin accepts reports about bugs and missing stuff.

In this photo where an RPG hit the top side of the turret armour module the outer plates seem to have bent upwards in a way that would suggest some ERA, at least to me

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too ambiguous to make a fair deduction imo

You see those bolts? That’s a clear sign of Explosives within armor.