Where is 6x AGM-65G on F-15E?

I just find is hilarious that 3 is too heavy. But could we just load 2 of the 3 pylons? No no, 2 is bad luck.

I have no clue if its “standard”, but if it is possible, I just know chances are it HAS happened somewhere. Time to interview crew chiefs and pilots I guess.

Is there even any difference other than the warhead

Maybe it’s not the weight per se, but the arrangement: 2 of the 3 Mavericks are mounted perpendicular to the vertical axis. That’s quite a different stress on the launcher than the one hanging on the center rail, and of course that’s even more relevant with increasing G’s: at 5 G, AGM-65B/D will mean 1100 kg on those perpendicular rails, for the 65G that’s already 1530 kg…

But that’s pure speculation on my side.

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Well, a weight increase of roughly 40% of the G over the D…

I would imagine it would be fine, as long as it is balanced, but that may be possible.



Official US airforce website states that A-10, F-15E AND F-16 carry as many as 6 mavericks

being that this document from DITC lists the lau 88a (the triple launcher) for agm 65F which has the same increased weight as agm 65G its safe to assume that weight isnt a restricting factor for this https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/ADA142508.pdf It would be better if it had agm 65G but it does not


the issue with analyzing the arrangement like that is that the center rail is most likely the one that can carry the highest load due to not having the bending moment

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