Where can i find the new months squadron battles BR brackets for each week?

The BR list for the squadron battles for the current squadron season… where can i find those?

Hi, it’s here:


Thank you so much!

It’s a year and a half old.

Do we assume it is the same?

What time of day does it start?

I see in this schedule (which was posted in june 2023) - that it begins in november, are there only 8 weeks of squadron battles in a whole year?

If not, where can I find the schedule for the other seasons in the other months?

Would love to actually take part but unfortunately there is no meaningful information on it and simply do not have the time to take guesses and hop on at random times and days etc just to check and take notes of when the mode is available.

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This is the current season.
The first message was posted in June 2023, but is regularly updated.
A season lasts 2 months.

Every two months, this message will be updated.
If not, another community manager will write a new announcement, which you should find in this section of the forum: