When is the MiG-25 Foxbat coming to the game

What you mean hopefully never?

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Its a waste of time and effort to add.

Well that’s maybe what you think but in my eyes it’s really not it’s the Less waste of a time than f117


The F117 actually has a use as CAS in ground modes.

Yeah I know but same with mig 25 It’s much more capable aircraft than people give it a credit It’s real life performance is actually better than pretty much any Soviet export aircraft

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It managed to shoot down f-18 F14 and it managed to win a aerial engagement against the F-15


Maybe I’m a delitant, but you’re only considering the initial p 40s, right? There are also later versions of rockets

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Well they could actually add it in together with the Sr-71 as super scout planes, They will monitor the battlefield and rely coordinates, you will then receive points for scouting.

But we have already drones

Yes but drones will be different, they don’t get points for scouting, the 25 and sr-71 could actually receive points for scouting and be more precise and accurate.

Yeah but that’s kind of useless at that point just add an a awacs

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Ok my bad I don’t know why but I thought you were talking about air RB

Well that’s also and option to monitor the battlefield. But 25 and Sr-71 will be around for much longer on the battlefield less likely to get shot down.

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Did they provide operational intelligence data?

Yes they took pictures and provided surveillance.

We’ll both were reconnaissance aircraft

Oh, ok

I think the 25 can carry missiles as well, so if lets say an opponent tries to interfere with its scouting role it can engage it. SR-71 dont believe had hard point to carry missiles but gajiin can add two hard points so that it can engage incoming threats to its surveillance role.

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Unfortunately both sr71 and mig-25 never carried missile in their reconnaissance version


Still, I think the snails just forgot about the Soviet Air Defense Force

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