When is the MiG-25 Foxbat coming to the game

A system to punish people who don’t engage would be nice, especially something against the astronauts

It’s called AIM-54.


It is sheer cowardice to avoid putting the epic based gakster plane MiG-25 into the game. It’s a devilish and evil troll vehicle and lots of fun for people who yearn to climb (like myself)

But I really want it because it is legendary and likely terrible. I like “unique” planes.


Always another system to punish people… I grow more and more tired of games limiting the experience to one format. They’ve already eliminated so many positions from ground to push for a single game play style.


You think people should be allowed to sit at Mach 2.5 in space the whole match while waiting to win on tickets?


At low altitudes it was still expected to clear Mach 2. Being altitudes 10,000 - 60,000 ft.

Since the data is limited we don’t know how much. The speculation is that it could still reach the same speeds; however, the plane wouldn’t last long do to the increase in heat (probably pretty obvious to anyone on these forums?).

The plane we do know can obviously perform that well at low speed because it took only around four minutes to reach altitude. That’s pretty insane as there’s very few aircraft in all of history that can do around 17,000 ft climb rates sustained. It also indicates that even at low altitudes there is a significant speed performance.

If the only solution is going to be come down and lose, why not? I don’t play that way. I’ll play aggressively to a fault even in these scenarios, and I have come against people who utilize it. That being said, I don’t blame the people that do it. Even when I’m in my 104 and I could run away.

I have a feeling gaijin would make the wings snap like twigs at high speeds near low altitudes.

Very true, the engines also wouldn’t last too long realistically. But gaijin would leave them be and maybe have engine overheating at excessive afterburner use for extended periods of time.

I think the wings could operate would similar to the F-104s turns without snapping. It’s also hard to imagine a Russian plane getting some type of boon like that in this game.

Yeah that was a huge downside to this plane. Even at optimal use the engines just couldn’t withstand for long. I feel like I remember reading around 15 flights before things started to break down significantly.

I would imagine Soviet aeronautical engineers may well know well enough about how to design a plane that they might solve such an issue via strategic placement of materials able to resist heat where it is needed to fly at x speed and altitude… Which they did AFAIK.

I’m sure someone has a flight manual for it. Basically nobody uses it anymore so I wouldn’t be surprised if nobody cared about keeping it a secret.

They were unable to solve the issues for this. There simply was no way to. The MiG-25 was a cool plane but very crude. It had a lot of issues with heat and failure. Parts were constantly failing - including the engine itself…

Edit: my auto correct keeps changing plane to planes 🤣

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This is totally cheating and using the Google AI, but here’s a quick summary of the issues (I can corroborate hearing/reading about all of them previously):

The MiG-25 lacked maneuverability, especially at low altitudes.

The MiG-25 was very heavy because the USSR lacked the materials technology to produce airframes with the required tolerances.

The MiG-25’s Tumansky R-15B-300 engines were unreliable and thirsty, and so large just because they had to lift a massive aircraft off the ground. The engines tended to overspeed and overheat at higher air speeds, possibly damaging them beyond repair.

The MiG-25 lacked a look-down shoot-down radar capable of tracking targets flying low to the ground.

The MiG-25 had sufficient thrust to reach Mach 3.2, but a limit of Mach 2.83 had to be imposed as the engines tended to overspeed and overheat at higher air speeds.

Is that why a specific version was made with even bigger and more powerful engines? Moving at 833 meters per second?
Е-266М изделие «99»

Strange thing to do if you’re simply unable to solve a problem…

Computerised NATO confirmation bias. Wonderful. Truly the unbiased tech-utopia of the future…


Not a strange thing at all. Especially when that plane was made to break records. The US did the same things, the F-15 was built as a response. That being said, the speed factors cannot be overcome with the way this aircraft was designed.

The US used titanium for a reason. The heat alone is insane on an aircraft. The fact that the Foxbat was made from primarily steel and nickel (roughly 80%) meant it was not a great candidate for prolonged heat like these aircraft were.

The engines themselves only lasted for around 150 flight hours before failing. They gave the aircraft less than 200 miles of range.

The only other aircraft that accomplished similar altitude feats was also extremely expensive and didn’t necessarily overcome all the same issues (SR-71). The amount of titanium used was one of its biggest saving graces. It was also significantly lighter for it and required less effort to overcome gravity giving it the ranges it had. Otherwise it leaked and also was prone to failures. The heavy steel frames in the Foxbat incurred a lot of damage.

You also need to consider the era in terms of engineering. The whole world went to extremes during the cold war. We built expensive monoliths to war that were not feasible in the long run.


The literal LOWEST of those combat radius is 560km or 330 miles…

I can’t take you seriously because you keep citing obvious falsehoods that seem based in anti-Soviet mythology as opposed to the clear fact.

Like when you say something like this.

And then apparently don’t seem yo ask yourself the obvious question.

Why do you think the rest of the 20% is not made from those? It’s because there was careful use of metal in the specific areas that heat builds up. Which is normal beahviour. Soviets made a really powerful plane without using loads of rare metals, because they approach problems differently.

You notice the symptoms of the solution to the problem but don’t join the dots.

Maybe Soviet engineers could have built an even better plane if they had access to the same manufacturing capabilities, techniques and materials. But they worked with what they had and ended up making almost a thousand planes which were even capable of winning fights against the very US plane designed to counter them.

It is when you said.

Those are contradictions.


I’m not going to go on with you after this. You want to call me anti Soviet and all that. I have immense respect for the engineering of this aircraft but it had issues that cannot be denied. It’s just a fact of building aircraft that performed as they did. We don’t even have efficient ways to overcome them today, which is also why we have changed how we build aircraft that perform at altitude and at speed (ram jets, rotary jets, etc…).

Every source I can find that’s not Russian has the aircraft effective combat radius at or less than 180m or 299km.

It’s not a contradiction in the slightest. We didn’t always overcome issues and yet we continued to build platforms that were not sustainable or safe. The other aircraft mentioned in this thread is an excellent example the F-104 was fast but extremely unsafe. A lot of them were built as well. The F-117 was supposed to be stealth but wasn’t a great platform for a lot of reasons… Still we built them. Because we wanted stealth.

Your nationalism is showing beyond your rationality.


It’s my description of the positions you’re arriving at.

Of course, but just not specifically the ones you’re talking about.

Clearly non-Soviet sources know far better about a Soviet plane than Soviet sources.

This is a plane which closely matches how flawed you describe the MiG-25.

Isn’t that the icing on the cake? A near perfect example? Also like the first block of AIM-9X getting defeated by a single flare because the designers were arrogant. I would call it arrogance to not test your equipment properly and have it fail as a result.

My argument is that Soviets built a functional plane with flaws, they talk about it.

Your argument is literally that you choose non-Russian sources as if they can’t be true…

You can read solid and detailed information once you accept that the manufacturers and pilots have valid input on the equipment they designed and used.
Doesn’t mean that Russian sources or whatever only tell the truth, they are still likely to perhaps downplay or otherwise avoid the flaws of their kit.

But if you want a textbook example of borderline gaslighting? If you want to see a masterclass in distortions and lies? Ask virtually anyone remotely related to NATO armies what the equipment of their enemies is like.

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I think there is a case for both the Mig25 and the mig31


You do realize that it would basically be a F104 but higher br, right? At 9.3 name one plane that can keep up with the F104, just one. Don’t try to bring turning into the equation either because it’ll be horrible at retaining energy which puts it at the exact same disadvantage that the F104 has

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It’s a far more capable plane than the F-104. The F-104 has one advantage. The MiG-25 was a capable plane as far as technology and speed…

Think of the MiG-21 keeping the technology it has at its BR. Now also imagine it getting the speed and performance of the F-104. It’s already a very capable plane but it’s now extremely capable. The MiG-25 will be overly competitive in any BR currently.