What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

Well there have been a Event SPAA the French 40mm + 50cals on the TANKBOAT




Its labelled as a Light tank but we all know the truth lol

This is a very intressting video, anybody got a clue what that Pbv 302 fired??

1:41 pbv fired rocket?

Guys the Pbv 302 BILLs gun is patched it sounds way better now!!

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I have never seen this lmao, upgraded lvt i assume?

It was in every single match when it came out.

Nope just a SPAA config, or fire support platform

Hardly does one ever hear an uglier language
Very cool video though

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Woah, woah woah. hold it buckaroo.


The north Flemish in question:


Or Danish, I’m from Sweden we make fun of each other here in Scandinavia.

Also if we cross the ice and go to Denmark that way the Danish get to throw sticks at us.

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Ah yes, the old “hit them with a stick if they cross the ice” law
Global warming will deal with it


The lack of ice wont stop us from crossing that big lake!!

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The Vasa shall set sail once again towards Denmark!


And we now have the recourses to build a Fleet!!

Isn’t the original tridon built on the Volvo chassis, same as the Archer.

I noticed this earlier when playing it, it sounds so much better, and more realistic to the fire rate!

Idk, maybe a TOW?

Anyone know what this version of the 302 is?

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