Guys has this vehicle been suggested?
I dont believe so
Also this camouflage is real boys!!
And here is the short description of the L/46
I was thinking why not add the Prototype Strf 90 with the 25mm Akan.
Not related to ground vehicles but here is a comparison of all Saabs children:
The B18 is a lot smaller than i imagined.
Suggest it as a camo
Imagine staring the swedish flag in the eyes and thinking i cant destroy that XD
Here is a pic of a helicopter that if added would become the Worst heli in-game
That or a torpedo
I dont know squat about it And have never seen it!!
Add-on camouflage for the Ikv 90
When the Strv 103 had enough
Um, sorry i need confirmation are these mavericks on a Saab 105??
Sk60F i think, Project to create a more modern and capeable light attack aircraft from the Sk60.
Make a suggestion of this if you find more info, looks kinda cool.
So are we absolutely sure this was a mockup??
Carpet cover
Just got passed to devs today.
That is literally a completely wooden mockup. Wood. Made out of wood. A statue.
It did not exist in any form. While the Object 292 was a fully completed prototype tank that ran under its own power.