What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

This is actually sad, I got excited for a Strf 90 MKIIIC/MKIV with 35mm cannon, IronFist and Akeron MP missiles, seems we get none of that. Instead we get 30mm… no APS and Spike…

This is a 10.7 BR with a cannon from 9.3. complete and utter bullshit

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Eh, id say its BS if other ifvs didn’t have the same problems. Imo its nore a problem with how gaijin models 30mm bushmasters. Id say if the 30mm with a slow fire rate actually had good pen then it might be useful. Now depending on the mobility and armor it will be the worst of mid. If the Puma and Lynx weren’t also in the same boat then again id say it BS unfortunately its more so gaijin repeating the same mistake instead of making these Spike launchers actually useful.

Again, fix the spikes, buff slow firing 30mm autocannons and see how it goes.

I tested it on the Dev server, it has about the same mobility as the other Strf 90 variants but the shit cannon that can barely pen the side of a T-55. Also noticed with the Spikes that they work way better if you aim your turret about 30 degrees to the side of the target after locking them. makes them hit better for some reason idk. I haven’t used them before, only heard people complain about them.

Maybe I’m the odd one but I really want to see T-55 Marksman in game


We all would, though i also wouldn’t mind the Norwegian M113 with stingers as a nice 9.0 spaa no main gun so lower than the Hovet

Should slot in nicely at 8.3, perhaps without APDS to further justify such a spot, although I suppose that the modern Leopard 2 hull is really the only thing justifying the current 8.7 BR of the ItPsV 90.

Without apds it would be a worse ZA 35, so no reason to not have apds when its similar to the Chieftan marksman. If added without APDS it should be 8.0 that way 8.0 has a useful SPAA since the constant reload and slow rpm of the weak 40 negates its use at 8.0 imo

Well the idea would be that the same turret exists at 8.7 with said APDS, so you could always just play the higher BR one if you wanted to use those belts.

I guess the T-55 hull already signifies a BR of 8.3 anyways.

It would be more similar to the 8.3 Chieftan so again no reason for it to be the same BR without APDS. At that point just add the tridon with HEVT and forget the radar. Then 8.0 could have decent spaa


This was in their disrespectful history of Finnish tanks where they lie about nearly everything in the video because reading the wiki for more than 1 minute was too hard.


Also the TO-55 is 8.0 with a full stabilizer and T55 hull so idk why a spaa would be higher

To be fair SPAA is pretty difficult to directly compare to tanks, and the Gepard/Type 87/Marksman already set a precedent to be 8.3 or higher.

Again, the Chieftan marksman is the closest thing to the ITPSV 90 Marksman so why they would be different BR’s is just a bit strange to me. T55 would be about the same as the Chieftan. So regardless unless it gets its APDS removed it would and should be 8.3 without APDS it should be 8.0, or give us tridon. Or the Finnish ZSU M with the chinese prox shell. A lotta options for spaa are available for gaijin.


This is most certainly on the wishlist


Strv m/40L with racks for 10 Rb 51 (SS10) ATGMs, would be a fun little lowish tier keyboard controlled atgm vehicle


hard to describe

Not really, it’s the ETS Mowag Piranha III, only images of the Danish ETS M113 and Mowag Piranha III exist but we apparently tested some other chassis’

You got any good sources on the ARMAD? Currently trying to track down the ones cited on wikipedia but either links are dead or it’s a Jane’s version I don’t have a copy of, so gonna take some time until I get my hands on either.

There’s this PDF which mentions the ARMAD by Forecast International who works with multiple big players in the defence industry, so I’d deem them fairly credible. It’s mainly focused on the history of it’s HARD radar and doesn’t say much of it’s technical specifications other than the hull being an M113A1 and a bit of info on the radar.


Thanks! This later edition (guessing 1985-86?) probably have the most up-to-date info on it that’s going to be useful.

That’s great! Gives some info on the radar that could be useful. I see they call it an X-band radar. Is that different from the older I/J-band that’s mentioned in Jane’s, or is it just an updated form of the same frequencies?