What is the best rank I Tank Destroyer?

So am want to play low tier battles for tank destroyers what is the best tank for that?

M3 GMC. If you don’t mind the abysmal shell velocity, M8 HMC is also surprisingly good and comes with a 50cal

All TD in Rank 1 have a oversized weapon for his rank

M3 GMC is pretty fast and has very good postpen damage

Spj 43 is fun derpy tank with a surprising amount of armor

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It is a rank II but it is great the Su122.

I don’t play much at that low rank but my favorites were:

Rank 1

Germany = Marder III.

Russian or China = SU-76mm. It’s got probably the most variety of tank shells out of any tank that is available in-game.

Japan = Type 4 Ho-Ro.

Italy = Lancia 3Ro with HESH.

France = Loraine 30L.

Sweden = IKV72.

Israel = M109

Rank II

Russian Zis-30. 57mm with 145mm of pen, 5 1/2 second reload.

“Best” is how good you are in using it.

I love the Marder III though it has some serious faulty game stats (and some other issues) that makes it problematic to use in WT.

The Russian Zis-30 is a good one too if you can keep yourself light footed.

No idea on faulty stats…it is a fun tank to play. It is mobile enough and has a great gun (for the BR). You just have to remember that you will die to any strong breeze aimed your way…so you can’t get hit and have to avoid (or hit first) heavy MGs equipped enemies…
Out of my head would be my selection…

Understanding that the 7.62cm Marder III is a completely un-prioritized vehicle in WT and not many players (in my observation) for obvious reasons understands its function (its not a tiger and its ‘in the way’ in the tech tree for other more attractive vehicles) only SM’s (sado…) like me like it. As a researcher specifically focusing on German Pj’s it do suffer some nitpicking issues (of various degrees) as I have ventilated here:

I have filed some ‘bug’ reports some years/year ago but its not a ‘Sherman tank’ and its only a game (understandingly with other more important issues) I don’t expect anything more then when I came across posts of vehicles or new suggestions its worth commenting that they already have vehicles ‘half-done’ that they should focus on to correct instead of braining up new ones. Or as in case have issues that effects game play of using the vehicle.

great choice with the m3 gmc

Dont agree…Marders and Stugs are actually frequently present in battles…i always look at Marder as dangerous as their gun is usually very effective…

The “vulnerable” TD is a common sight in battles where some exist…some months ago they would be priority targets for air attack…(now air attack is harder)
Out of my head i recall Marder, M10, M18, Waffentrager, Achiles, NaTo and 90M53 come to mind as frequent threats in their specific BRs…

We also have the light fast TDs and the somewhat armored TDs…but different playstyle…

The Japanese Ho-RO is really great. It is destructive and quite nimble. Its shell is quite slow but its a guaranteed kill when it hits at tits BR.The Chi-Ha SHort Gun can be good too in good hands.

My notion was specifically for the 7.62cm Marder III that amongst issues have a wrong traverse value, that Gaijin have not payed any attention to, and as such is critically hampering the vehicle in combat for those who want to play it properly, besides improper crew positioning that understandingly is in some degree seen as ‘gamy’ solutions as to other similar deigned vehicles (some that is not TD’s in the proper term).

Now I don’t play hundreds battles a week as per vehicle observation statistics, but when I see a 7.62cm Marder III it usually exists for some 1 minute before it explodes in the middle of the open landscape.

Past years I have seen maybe one or two players with a 7.62cm M taking a proper position (in arcade games). However the frequency of Sherman tanks, T-34’s and some Pz III and IV in use imo outclass the 7.62cm Marder by at least a few hundred to one in numbers playing.
As of observation of TD’s it’s (7.62cm Marder) about 1 in 10 or 1 in 15 observed thus my conclusion that it is not used very frequently and when used its driven by some younger gamer playing a computer game.

My point is, if it was a Sherman tank or T-34 played by thousands Gaijin would have fixed the 7.62cm Marder issues years ago.

If one wants to learn the 7.62cm Marder my recommendation is always teach your self to survive an -entire- game, at least 30% of the time, with a single vehicle. When you managed to do this you can start to figure out how to use the gun. Think I wrote a game guide here some years back.

I don’t really distinguish them…all have similar mobility and good guns. Usually all kill with first shot…and all are fragile :)
I understand some details annoy you…but for those unaware of those numbers it makes no real impact…it is a good vehicle.

As it should IMHO…those tanks were also more present in real combat. I DO have issues with “prototype” vehicles being too present…but when vehicles that were used often are also very present in game, that is a plus to me. Marder was used, but not everywhere AFAIK.

More used/famous vehicles get more attention…BUT i would GUESS (i don’t really know) that your issue was either considered “ok as it is”…IF you or somebody pressed a bug report. If NOT then it was not even analysed…bugs have to be well documented these days…
Like you said…not a frequent vehicle…so not a lot of complaints/discussion