What is the best light tank in the game for its br?

m41a1 for the US it one shots basically anything from the side and often from the front even up to 8.0

Does the one have HEAT-FS, or is that just the German and other upgrades?

no thats jsut the german one I think

Just checked the wiki, it is I believe.

Well it’s m2a4 at 1.0 obviously

boys, remember the pt-76B, with the speed reload and 2 plane stab

The most annoying one for me is the Class 3, is it even possible to kill that thing in one hit??

M24 Chaffee, it remains 2 BR jumps lower than where it should be. Wildly good platform for 3.7.

For stuff that isn’t under-BR’d: CV 90120, HSTVL, and 2S38.

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T95 :) he he

I wouldn’t say there’s a single light tank that’s “better” BR for BR than every other light tank at its respective BR. There are very strong ones, like the IKV-91, BMP-2M, etc. but I don’t think there’s a single “best” LT.

Definitely try it out, it’s quite fun to play. For me this vehicle is a hidden gem in Italy TT.

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Hmm 2s38?

I’d go with the SK-105. Better thermal imaging and 4 second reload time.

After playing it 900 matches, I’d say it’s rather ‘mediocre’ than ‘OP’ how some people claim. It’s only best in shooting helicopters and flying straight CAS. Sprut-SDM is much better as a light tank.

Or its op
Ppl arent mad at this vehicle for no reason

I thought it was OP until I bought it myself, and I have to say that is not true. I agree that it was annoying to fight when it came out and had 9.3 BR, but now it’s completely not. Especially when internal modules were added, now it’s almost impossible not to cripple it into state, where it cannot shoot you back at all. People are mad because it’s a spammable vehicle, and always exist in a matches past 10.0.

And thermals and lrf, honestly surprising its still the same br as the RCV

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At 8.0? It kinda is, quite a few niche tanks have it around their id say its more unique for the round itself, it has a 400mm pen shell with a 90mm

WW2 Puma for Germany. Very fast a powerful cannon. What more could you ask for?

Stuart III for Britain

Lvtdgb m/40 for Sweden
M19A1/M42 for America

(technically autocannon SPAAs, but they’re still great for light-tank work).
Addtionally, XM800T and M3 Bradley for America.

The Dragbill is a spaa not a light tank…

If we count spaa then i just say the M15 from the US, M42, or LAV-AD since i use them as both TD/SPAA that wasn’t the post though. Also personal bias since they are my favorite SPAA/TD’s on the US

(Though im not against the LAV getting a drone and being a LT…)