What do you think of the armor performance of ZTZ99A?

What about 829a2 pen? I’ve heard that almost all NATO apfsds have nerfed pen but also heard that the in-game numbers are very close.

It’s 629mm. The 2nd best in the entire game. DM53 at the same length of L/44 is at 623mm. Only DM53 with the lengthened L/55 barrel is better, with ~20mm more pen at 652mm.

The best Russian shell, 3BM60, is at 580mm of pen. It’s even worse than A1.

I meant irl numbers but should’ve specificied. They should implemented the very high spall and pyrophoric properties of DU rounds, so that the Abrams has a way to counter spall liners since it has none of its own. Hopefully all Chinese tanks which had spall liners get them 🤞

Great, then they should implement the Abrams spalling far more when hit in its DU armor. If the properties of those rounds are so magical, wouldn’t spall produced by it getting hit be just as devastating inwards?

Although I’ve also heard a certain someone say that the Abrams DU also acts like an internal spall liner and reduces spall. Quite the magical material, that DU. It does everything.


Never heard about it catching spall outside of forums. However I have heard of DU being inherently incinidery (pyrophoric) I feel like the incinidery properties are either exclusive to DU rounds as they experience different stresses than DU armor on impact. Also from Wikipedia page on pyrophoricity (good enough source for researching a physical trait of a material) it also happens when small metal particles get loose like how a lighter striker works by turning ferrocerium into tiny particles which react with air to make sparks. Another reason for DU armor not causing the incinidery damage is that it’s sandwiched between plates designed to tank the extreme heat and pressure of a Heat fs round multiple times

I don’t think that matters in the case of an actual penetration…

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But the other composite plates would absorb the incendiary spall, and yeah they might make their own spall but it wouldn’t be incinediary. Personally, I think the different thicknesses and shapes of DU in armor vs as a penetrator makes it so DU armor doesn’t make incinediary spall otherwise US wouldn’t use it


They are not meta and are power crept by almost everything else that’s not Italian, but that SPEED make them a lot of fun for me.

Some players just want a tank that they can play with their neurons turned off, I’m not one of them.


No my man, it’s not the DU, it’s the pure AMERICAN PATRIOTISM infused with the material that makes it defy the laws of physics.
The spirit of George Washington himself comes from the heavens mounted on a t-rex dual wielding AR-15’s to bless every single atom of DU in the Abrams (present even in the sights), making it invulnerable to threats coming from a 360 degree arc…

It is particularly hilarious to me that US players do so bad in their tank while other players in clearly inferior MBT’s are doing much better, that they resort to History Channel levels of fiction to cope.


Look, DU isn’t majic super armor but it’s used for a good reason, has good properties for armor and AP ammo. Because of different effects on impact of a specially designed penetrator and a DU armor plate, and the US using it as armor for many years, DU armor most likely does not create any extra or incinidery spall vs composite. It is possible it has some spall catching ability but that is speculation until further information can be found regarding DU armor. However, it is a known property of DU rounds that they have an incendiary effect, and due to the way it fractures and melts on the sides it has a self sharpening effect on the projectile.

It is a super dense but brittle material, the “incendiary” effect is simply the shards being insanely hot due to the immense kinect effect of the round.
This goes against the previous statement of a [certain poster] before us, that claimed that damage caused on DU armor would leave just a “small hole”, which is utter nonsense considering the chemical properties or DU.
A material can’t be brittle and malleable at the same time, it can’t work according to the will of the user, hence, it’s a fictional claim.


Well, in that case they probably added Americium in their tanks, pure american patriotism


It sort of can since when we talk about DU, we are not talking about a type of material, but an alloy of Uranium-238 with other metals, so I guess by reducing the amount of Uranium and adding malleable material it will help, whilst the APFSDS will be made of more brittle material. This is sort of my guess, so don’t take this as very reliable.

this is incorrect, Uranium is chemically pyrophoric, small particles of uranium will actually spontaneously ignite when contacting air
I would hold off on repeating things you read on reddit without legitimately researching lest you make yourself look this foolish again
source: Pyrophoricity of uranium - UNT Digital Library


Guess the Abrams is going up in flames big time when it gets hit.
And that poor crew in the case of a penetration… They’ll definitely need their depleted uranium woven flak vest.


It’s unlikely the armor plate itself would aerosolise small enough to ignite from the air when struck enough to make any noticeable effect
a projectile however, is a different story

Projectile hitting the armor at 1700m/s is a lot more force than armor being hit by a projectile at 1700m/s, after all. It’s just basic science and logic.

I think you should read your own sources linked before making yourself foolish again. This study is about Uranium, not DEPLETED Uranium

Also, in the fist paragraph of the study you sent me it says “provided conditions are favorable”. Just a wild guess but a object being launched at very high speeds colliding with another one must be this favorable condition. The study also states that this does not occur in “normal” circumstances.

US mains and making clowns of themselves, name a better duo.


typically a long rod penetrator is going to disintegrate more of its mass when penetrating a large armor array rather than the effect on one part of that armor array, yes, the physics make perfect sense when you don’t have leaded tap water

depleted uranium simply has a lower amount of a certain isotope of uranium, it doesn’t have any altered chemical properties as that’s not how elements work, perhaps you should go back to elementary school chemistry before you make yourself appear even more foolish

almost like when a projectile hits thick armor at very high speeds it heats up and, being a brittle metal, will shatter into dust as it penetrates
the smaller the particles of uranium the easier they ignite with oxygen, the heat from the penetration also assists greatly
if you’d like to continue to make yourself look dumb be my guest

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