Man I want the team AVReS skin but I only have the German eurofighter :(
The fact that console players are still locked out of these packs sucks, would be nice if you guys could make them available for GE or something along those lines
Yea, but when zhey dont want our money thats also okay…
I thought they couldn’t distinguish between the mythical creatures from various Eastern cultures. But now it seems… they simply can’t be bothered to differentiate these things, even when it comes to European ones. Or perhaps they don’t even consider it offensive for a nation’s cultural symbols to appear in another country’s vehicles…
cmon man really? no camo packs for console?
Being in Australia all the streams are on around 1-2am so very annoyed to have gotten so close :(. Hoping this is a bug and it’ll rectify itself.
Twitch login sucks big time - spent hours trying to get it to send the SMS to confirm login and got booted for “Too many SMS attempts - come back later” so only got 75% of camo - like the Aussies the event occurred early morning here :(
Also - I see the newbie “Bonus for joining now” pack has nice skins for some low level equipment such as Tuck’s Gladiator - those would be a cute thing to get for existing players too, but no - not available if you played at all in the last 6 months!
Maybe you could try using an Auth App instead? Idk if it will let you use either SMS or Auth, but you probably wont have issues with an Auth app (like Google Authenticator, or any other Auth App.)
Word of advice though, whenever you use an auth app, you should write down on paper the code it gives you on setup. NOT the QR code, do NOT save that digitally. If it doesn’t show you the code when it shows you the QR code, look for a link/button that says “try another way” or “not working” or something like that, they will have a way to force it to show the long code that you can then write down to back it up.
The other option which I personally do not advocate for, is to allow Google Authenticator to backup your auth codes/logins, but then it’s stored on the cloud and imo negating the entire point of using an auth app to begin with.
Just know that if you do use an Auth app, and you lose your phone, or your phone crashes/breaks or w/e and you cannot get back into the Auth app, you will NOT be able to get that code back. And if the site will not let you remove the authenticator, you might lose access to your account. So, best thing to do is backup the full code on paper and store it in a safe location, not digitally as anyone with that code can add it to their own Auth app and gain access to your account(s).
Thanks - yeah I use Google authenticator for everything else - not sure why not for Twitch! :/
Oh awesome, so I did check, and Twitch shows an option for Auth apps 👍
Also, sorry to hear if you did miss one of the drops, lame. And, I tell Twitch to remind me for upcoming events, so my phone gets spammed like CRAZY when the go live lol. There are 5 channels, English, French, Russian, German and now Polish. It does NOT give you more points to watch them all at the same time (I tried lol) but you WILL get spammed like crazy if you put a reminder on all 5 of them.
English: Twitch
French: Twitch
German: Twitch
Russian: Twitch
Polish: Twitch
Yeah - but they start at 0400 here…😴😴😪
I set my alarm to wake up, spend 5 minutes starting the computer and logging in… or not as the case may be!! And then go back to bed! :D
I remember there’s some tools allow you just open it and it could claim drops automaticially, like Twitch Drop Miner?
That lets you change channels and still do the time for the drop - but you have to be logged into twitch first!!
Friendly reminder to whoever see’s this. Second drop start today :)
Second weekend — February 7th from 17:00 GMT and February 8th-9th from 15:00 GMT
- 1 day of Premium
- 50% Silver Lion Booster
- 50% Research Point Booster
- “Team mountain” decal
- Snake Box
- “Tale of Fenrir” camouflage for the Rafale C F3
Any update?
sure, we wont get then
3 days till the drop I want
2 days till the drop I want
1 day till the drop I want
tomorrow I will be seeing you all there
@Stona_WT thanks for bringing then on console :))))
To all console player, @SidewaysCube946 @LiquidGod750-live @CoFro_8
Same for Xbox Player
For Links to the store:
Just got it. Thanks to the Gaijin team for making this cross platform. Hopefully XBox also got access to it.