That lets you change channels and still do the time for the drop - but you have to be logged into twitch first!!
Friendly reminder to whoever see’s this. Second drop start today :)
Second weekend — February 7th from 17:00 GMT and February 8th-9th from 15:00 GMT
- 1 day of Premium
- 50% Silver Lion Booster
- 50% Research Point Booster
- “Team mountain” decal
- Snake Box
- “Tale of Fenrir” camouflage for the Rafale C F3
Any update?
sure, we wont get then
3 days till the drop I want
2 days till the drop I want
1 day till the drop I want
tomorrow I will be seeing you all there
@Stona_WT thanks for bringing then on console :))))
To all console player, @SidewaysCube946 @LiquidGod750-live @CoFro_8
Same for Xbox Player
For Links to the store:
Just got it. Thanks to the Gaijin team for making this cross platform. Hopefully XBox also got access to it.
gimme an second, I have an XBOX too so i can check )))
Edit: Also on Xbox Aviable
I know, not the best quality, but gets the job done…
Links for US players at least, idk how to find other regions lol:
Xbox: Buy War Thunder – Thunder CUP 2025 Pack | Xbox
PlayStation: War Thunder - Thunder CUP 2025
just look in the store via console xD
So… when exactly does this start for this weekend? Is it tomorrow (Friday)?
I’m CST, if I’m correct that means it starts at/about 11:00 am Friday morning.
Yeah they have been starting the stream around 10:30am CST, when the actual tourney starts at 11am!
Thank you! I’ll make some fresh popcorn and watch it on the big TV.
I’m CST also, but i get to set up the phone while at work haha!
Luckily the kids have tomorrow off from school. It’s going to be fun, we can’t wait!
This is a sentence.
I think you have your times correct, but I’m gonna post the forum’s built in calendar thingy just in case 😄 The timers at the bottom automatically adjust to your computer/device’s internal time zone+date.
Link to War Thunder Esports schedule (English channel). You can set a reminder here and Twitch will ping/email you when the stream starts. I always do that so I don’t forget:
Links to the other WT Esports language channels:
French: Twitch
German: Twitch
Russian: Twitch
Polish: Twitch
Screenshot is in Pacific Standard Time (US):
Auto adjusting timer for tomorrow’s stream:
Saturday’s stream time:
Sunday’s stream time:
thankyou so much, i always struggle with the adjustment
Thanks brother. I would have never had to post if I had spent a moment longer on the Twitch page and clicked on the Schedule button. I feel like a dork.