Can’t spotlight just be placed as any other unit in Mission Editor?
as object group?
It is rather in “air_defence” category with name “searchlight”. There are 3 variants of it, so even a choice you have
((( to bad.
The rendinst on locations are using this:
tm:m=[[0, 0, 1] [0, 1, 0] [-1, 0, 0] [0, 1000, 10]]
but it seems to not working…
i have only emmisive shaders, that dont illuminate actually.
Does anyone know how I can create land from nothing as I’ve tried but to no success? My world is just green with squares on the floor and nothing I do creates ground. Many thanks!
It seems that under “green” you mean just colour of sky below the ground level, and “squares” – grid.
You can create land pretty easily, but be sure that there is no land at all, or else there would be 2 planes of land. This creates pretty many problems if there are 2 or more, so beware.
Here is brief instruction how to create land:
Firstly, find on the most upper panel tab “Landscape”, and there should be button in the very beggining “Create heightmap”.
After clicking it dialogue box shows up where you have to write new heightmap settings. I would recommend to firstly edit “Size in pixels” and set it to 2048 pixels in each gap (the image of heightmap of location will be more detailed so), but you can write any other resolution, technically. “Size in meters” you can skip since it can change automatically with changing “Cell size” value. Speaking of “Height scale” and “Height offset”, those are up to you, set them as you wish.
I wouldn’t change “Origin offset” because relocated location and its changed coordinates may disturb in the future.
Afterwards, there must appear new land.
If you see that for some strange reason half of surroundings is kind of blurry, like on this photo:
Press on your keyboard button P to show location properties panel, find categories “Script parameters”, “Textures” and “Mesh”. Firstly, in “Script Parameters” set Layer #1’s any land texture. Then, in “Textures” find subcategory “Tile detail texture” and change option “tex” to texture “detail_ground” (write it in filter so you could find it faster). Finally, in “Mesh” click button “Rebuild mesh”, so changes could occur.