War Thunder Anti-Cheat System Update

11:19:30: Installing BattlEye Service…
11:19:30: Failed to install BattlEye Service (4, 30000002).

i see, i m not only one


Too bad Ark is also protected by BattleEye


downloaded the new patch and the game still starts with EAC lol

yeah that is what i meant


“Failed to install BattlEye Service (4, 30000002)” can sometimes occur because you are not running the installation/game as an administrator, Try going to the WT folder and see if there is a “battleye” folder, if there is then open it and rightclick the “Install_BattlEye.bat” and run as admin to see if that fixes it.

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Chat??? Common man go waste someone else time

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Haha it’s so nice that I can’t play cuz of “Failed to install BattleEye service”

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will i be banned if i modified userkins for my homemade ones?

OK I’ll try

YAY EAC won’t be breaking randomly or whenever i have more then one EAC game and randomly preventing game startups/any game start via steam or in worse case BSODing my PC on EAC startup.
Boo its battle eye with performance clogging, unneeded kernel access (that it shouldn’t have and no anti cheat needs to be effective) often false positive banning goodness.
Really neither is any better but atleast EAC is light on the system


@Stona_WT will using WT RTI (real time information) get you banned?


There’s nothing aside from this stuff

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Im running game in admin mode both launcher and tried the BE exe itself but nothing works

There is not file like that there:

Will the game even still support linux? Through PROTON?

Not enough keeps the same older Anti-Cheat with a new one in the same place and manages to break the game.


Yeah I can’t find that file either

Please wait few minutes and restart game.


Please read the article. You literally ignored everything we posted there.