@Smin1080p devs told us to wait
But we still dont have results in leo2a7
It still has less armor than strv even on bigger angle

(All screens are vs 3bm60)
@Smin1080p devs told us to wait
But we still dont have results in leo2a7
It still has less armor than strv even on bigger angle
VT-4A1 is like a worse MBT-2000 with APS system+worse reverse speed and 1 BR increased.
I dislike the new Award
They want to award players for being salty and not allowing a player, that fought well enough to get a nuke, to drop it
*If they decide to fix it (looks at PUMA, PSO, etc…)
Also remember they go on holiday during Christmas/New Year.
The 2A7V has less armor than the 122B in game, in reality has like 150mm more…
AMX looking pretty decent though
Still got it. Merkava, Type 10, Leclerc, Abrams did not spall liners at all.
Man, I am test flying it now, and I’m giggling to myself :D
This thing is gonna be so much fun, I just know it!
Thank you!
Not necessarily, the 122B+ most likely has better internal armor as well.
Both should probably be even better than the current 122 but the fact that the 2A7V is worse is just extremely insulting.
Which indeed sucks but this just feels like a slap in the face
yes but it has nothing to do with the AIR SUPERIORITY patch
(yes it’s a nice plane, nothing to take away from the AMX)
Yeah. Having access to 9Ls, up to 6 LGBs and a very good thermal targeting pod seems very nice at that br. How’s the flight performance on it?
Why am I not surprised that gaijin have rushed the update out rather then taking there time to implement the changes and fixes that need to be done. Like Spall liners haven’t been properly modelled in all NATO vehicles rather than fix challenger 2 and challenger 3 TD you have made them worse which doesn’t surprise me and challenger 3 TD has lost 100mm in the turret how do yous managed that ???
I currently just hope that I do not have to research the chaparal in the israeli tech tree because of rank VIII being a thing.
If that is not the case, I will be happy…
Even though my merkarva 2D and Sho’t are worthless now for the last bit of the tree
I havent played yet but I looked at the tech trees and I find it weird.
These are my main concerns about tech trees.
11.3 tanks in Rank 8?
These tanks should not be in Rank 8 as their BR is 11.0-11.3:
Germany: Leopard 2PL
Sweden: CV 90120, T 80U (11.0)
Israel: Merkava Mk.4 B, Merkava Mk.4 LIC
I hope this is done by mistake as these 11.3 tanks are in Rank 7:
RUS: T-80UK, T-80U, T-72B3
UK: Challenger 2 / 2F / TES, Challenger 2 OES,
Italy: Centauro I 120, Ariete PSO/WAR, OTOMATIC
Not to mention why move Israel 11.3 Merkavas into Rank 8 without even introducing premium rank 7 tank like Merkava Mk.3D? Not to mention it sits at 11.3
If I compare it to jets the rule also applies for jets that 11.3 jets are part of Rank 7 and anything from 11.7 goes to Rank 8. If Arriete AMV can sit alone in Rank 8 then Merkava Mk.4M should too.
No BR 12.0 for tanks?
Why isnt Br 12.0 introduced? At least for the new tanks and probably for T-80BVM it would suit it better than 11.7. 10.7 games will be more unpleasant and unbalanced because of this.
I find this changes to rank on different nations too sloppy and ignorant without giving thoughts to it. Please Gaijin fix ASAP.
This is a very good thing - what about SB? In SB you can face an F16 china or F16 japan as opponent. IFF will just catch F16 on RWR, which I frequently take then as a friendly.
I said 122B not the 122B+
And yes for me this is an insult directly to the face
I would like an open explanation regarding the situation with the Leopards.
Nothing with them was fixed, and now bug reports get denied with the reason “Not a bug. Report based on the datamain are not accepted” ?
What the actually fuck.
the worst problem here is that you need to research israels 8th Rank with a lineup of two merkavas and a SPAA
Other nations have similar problems, destroying the researchefficency of some backups in lineups and encouraging players to use smaller lineups without backups from lower brs.
amx 32 and 40 for example were nice backups at 11.7 to support the first leclercs. But now they are useless at rank 6 if you want to reserach the last two leclercs or the ito