VT4A1 - The well-defended battle wolf

+1 Hopefully be classed as a light tank for the scouting

Probably no scout drone cause its an MBT and I personally think it’s gonna be a squadron vehicle like the T80UK or the M1A1AIM, but it would be a great addition.

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Must be a different thank that I’m thinking of then

Does anyone know what the base armor values are for the VT-4? Does it use the same hull and turret composite material as the MBT-2000, or has it made improvements too the base armor?

Another interesting find that someone had posted on the old forum post about the regular VT-4(that was passed too developers) was that in this video about the Thai VT-4, it seems to possess a faster reload.

At around 5:11 you can see that when shown reloading, once the mechanism actually begins, it only seems to take around 5 seconds for the autoloader too reload. If this tank comes too the game I hope this is reflected in it’s stats. Otherwise I’m not sure what other evidence their might be too get a specific reload rate.


Seems fresh

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Nvm actually, I failed too take into account that it has too preform the shell ejection which isn’t shown in the video

Check out this video, which was confirmed by a friend of my ztz99 commander

You should patch him in to me if you are not lying haha.

Thanks for the vid btw. Wish him the best.


I really hope this is the version Gajjin is working on, as China is one of the nations in game currently lacking a vehicle with a hard kill system, and could use another great MBT for it’s lineups

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Would love to see additional ZTZ-99A too, maybe ZTZ-99A2 or something, can you find differences between them or if theres any other versions, like maybe ZTZ-99A with soft or hard APS??

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as i know, ZTZ99A has no any improved, only has some prototype, such as 140mm canno mode

ZTZ-99A2 isn’t real I’m afraid

Is the 140 real? I feel like I never saw concrete evidence about it…

It does not exist, this designation is given by Western publications, and is considered erroneous

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maybe it has real vehicles but you know the PLA‘s Confidentiality regulations… and the 140mm rounds been test on the fixed turret at least and has accurate data about what it can do

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Well if the gun was mounted, that just might be enough for gajjin, since there wasn’t a lot of pics about the ZTZ-99 with the long 125 but it’s still in the gane

spoiler: the power of 140mm canno is too strong that recoil of 140mm canno is too big that make the concrete base dehiscence with only single digit shoot, i think that’s why PLA didnt choose the 140mm canno as improved

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Well thankfully in war thunder we can overlook such technical failures and implement it anyways

Also, are their any pictures of the 140?