VT-5 (Bangladesh)

Lets hope Gaijin will give us 4s autoloader and the spall liners.


I also hope so. I hope China can have a stronger vehicle


Comrade, do you know which book this came from? / does it have a front cover? It will help with bug reporting


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Dude is the “1000hp“ really from NORINCO? I though it was 884hp


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Do you have a pdf copy or a link to this? Sorry I cannot locate it :(

884 is the VT5 from Bangladesh

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That is new to me :) thaks

Looks like this is using some ZTZ 96 stats as placeholder

Due to incomplete modifications, we are unable to determine whether the VT5 Heavy Armor Edition is a modified version of the United VT5 or a technology tree vehicle. I remember that Bangladesh did not purchase the Heavy Armor VT5, right?

Yes but another batch of VT-5s are on order so who knows maybe those will get the heavy armor.

Is there only one VT-5 present in the dev server?

If the heavy armor VT5 is a modified part, I also suggest that Gaijin modify it into a technology tree vehicle

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I hope the version we get for a squadron vehicle is the generalized export one, only because I want them to modify the model to include the ERA/slat armor (heavy armor package) on the sides as well since Bangladesh doesn’t have that. Preferably as a modification so that way it can be added or removed.

However, it’s most likely the Bangladeshi one based on the lack of RCWS, standard armor, and thermal sleeve around the gun. You can tell Gaijin used this exact version of the vehicle to model it:


Gaijin is probably going to add the heavy armor one as TT tank in the live server or second dev. Hopefully that one will get the RCWS.

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Yeah I could see that. Gaijin is probably going to use Bangladeshi vehicles as the Event/Squadron/Premium spots like how Denmark/Norway is to Sweden.

Edit: On a side note, completely missed this part of the conversation

Didn’t know that’s what you’re referring to, that’s exciting. Gaijin is definitely dropping the BD version as a squadron this update and 2x updates from now we’ll get the Heavy Armor version so they can milk the GE just like the Japanese RCV(p) and ICV(p). I’ll probably buy it…lol.


VT-5(2022) brochure. Heavy armor VT-5 in the files is probably based on this one.