VT-5 (Bangladesh)

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Brief History: Bangladesh used to operate large numbers of Type 62 light tanks in the 80-90s. These Light weight tanks were ideal for Bangladesh’s soft terrain but soon these tanks became obsolete and these were retired in the early 2000s. Within 2020 T-69 IIGs were supposed to retire, due to the retirement of these two tanks Bangladesh needed a Tank that could replace both. In 2019 Bangladesh ordered VT-5 Light weight MBTs. VT-5 tanks are made by China’s NORINCO. VT-5 tanks were designed for South and Southeast asian terrain. These VT-5s were specifically made to meet the requirements of Bangladesh army and because of this reason we can consider this tank as a unique variant of VT-5. VT-5s were Ideal for Bangladesh’s terrain and at the same time these tanks had enough fire power to replace the T-69 IIG tank.Unlike the T-69IIG and Type 62 light tank this tank can deal with most of the modern MBTs. Due its good mobility this tank can easily operate in muddy mountainous terrain, which was a impossible task for Type 62 and T-69 IIG tanks.

Currently Bangladesh is the only user of VT-5 tank.

Main Gun: The tank is armed with a two plane stabilized 105mm rifled gun. This gun is said to be more capable than previous Chinese 105mm rifled guns. This gun is capable of firing barrel launched GP105 ATGM. It can also use APFSDS, HEAT, Bunker Buster and HE rounds. Ammunitions are stored in a bustle autoloader. Bustle ammo stowage is separated by a blast door which increases the survival chances of the crew in case of an ammo cook off.
Reload rate of the Autoloader is 4 seconds. It can store 38 rounds.

Elevation of Main gun: -7/8° to +18°



Secondary guns: Unlike the VT-5s seen in Zhuhai airshow this tank uses manually controlled 12.7mm W85 heavy machine gun(300 rounds). It also has a Type 86 7.62mm Coaxial machine gun(1750 rounds) [5th source]

Protection: This tank uses the base VT-5 hull which lacks the ERAs in the lower frontal plate. But there are some plates on the LFP not sure what those are. Those plates could be some kind of composite armor block or a single slab of ERA or maybe bolt on armor.
Although it uses the base VT-5 hull which only has RHA, the turret of this tank has composite armor instead of just ERA blocks on RHA. Composite armor in the turret should be capable of protecting the crew against auto cannon fire. This tank has IED/Mine protection kit installed in the underside. CBRN protection was also ensured in this tank.
Bangladesh probably avoided ERAs to save some weight as the tank was going to operate in muddy mountains. Some sources have claimed this tank has GL-5 APS but I haven’t seen the APS yet. So far I haven’t seen a single VT-5 to be ever equipped with APS. I think most sources mistook the smoke grenade launchers as APS. Those smoke grenade launchers automatically fire grenades if the tank detects enemy laser.

Weight: 33 tons.(Check the first source)

Mobility: This tank is equipped with a 1000 hp 8V150HB engine capable of producing 884 hp/659.2 kW. Due to the light weight this engine can provide this tank a impressive power to weight ratio of 26.79 HP/ton.
This tank also uses rubber padded tracks for better mobility.

Max speed: 70.9 Km/h
Max cross country speed: 60 Km/h
[1st and 5th source]

Crew: This tank requires 3 crew members for operation.

  • Gunner
  • Driver
  • Commander
    Due to the hunterkiller system the Commander can control the main gun.

Others: This tank has 3rd generation Gunner Thermal sight and a CITV for commander. This tank has 7 smoke grenades on each side of the turret(Slaved with LWS). The tank is also equipped with Laser warning receivers, Laser range finder and ballistics computer.

Gunner Sight






During Trials in China:





  1. Bangladesh army equipped with Chinese VT5 one of the most modern light
  2. First Batch of Chinese VT5 Light Tanks to Bangladesh | TURDEF
  3. Army Guide



+1 as a premium alternative in the Chinese tree to a tech-tree VT-5/ZTQ15.


What is the difference between the VT-5 and VT-5BD?

Depends on which VT-5 configuration you are referring to. This one has composite armor turret and base VT-5 hull. Also it lacks RCWS.


By configuration, do you mean the “early” and “late” versions shown off by China?

From what I can tell the 2016 and 2017 models are a bit different, but the BD is based off the 2017 one except without the RCWS and ERA like you said.

I meant armor configuration

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The composite is the same as the Chinese one right?

You’re just referring to the lack of ERA which would make the total armor configuration a bit different?

This is 2017 VT-5

As you can see it clearly has a different turret

2016 VT-5. Slat armor and possibly RHA turret

VT-5BD most likely got its turret from 2019 VT-5


I see, I was just wondering because the suggestion implied that there were some differences from the Chinese VT-5.

I mean you can consider the lack of RCWS and unique turret, hull configuration as unique variant or sub variant. Its also bit faster than the Zhuhai airshow VT-5s due to the lack of ERAs

Edit: I forgot to mention that the VT-5s seen at Zhuhai airshow have 5.8mm QJT-88 Coax machine gun but this one has 7.62mm Type 86 coax machine gun.


Yeah, the differences are clear to me now.

Although for the record, the BD version wouldn’t even need any notable changes for me to support, as Bangladesh is of course the only actual operator of this tank, and so they seem like an obvious first candidate for implementation.

But thanks for clarification regardless.

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I can understand the C&P concern. But this is more unique than the C&P Leopard 2A4s.

Bangladesh recently started to manufacture tanks with the help of foreign partners and we possibly got the license for producing VT-5s locally. If thats the case then this configuration of VT-5 gets more justification to be a separate tank.

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That’s fair enough, indigenous production is usually a good sign for future domestic design anyways.

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+1. would love to see this ingame!


Norinco is cooking.

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There is no such thing as early or late for VT-5, it depends on the money, if the customer needs something, China will give you VT-5XX

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Can’t wait to see this in-game


Vote here @OsamaBinLaggin22

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Since the original ZTQ-15 discussion got passed already, i will post this here instead

Type 15 Lightweight Tanks in Training - Ministry of National Defense - chinese ministry of defense video of ZTQ-15

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Same as the Bangladeshi VT-5