VT-5 (Bangladesh) Discussion

Can you share the screenshots of the new camos of VT-5?


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what about armor

Turret is still 100mm KE ~500mm CE
UFP is around 80mm KE/CE
LFP is 40mm KE/CE and 20mm underneath the HHA plate

There might be more armor changes as the dev progresses and they probably will add spall liners (literally tons of photos that indicate they exist.)


I hope the BTA2 round situation is figured out before the update releases: the 105mm M900 round sits at 9.7, and scout vehicles like the 2S25M gets the 120mm 3BM60 round at 10.0

The DTW2-105 with a good reload is no slouch but I feel like at an increased BR with a target silhouette the size of an MBT, it wouldn’t be that egregious to give it its unique round


It got closed as “not enough info” and “photo’s aren’t a source”. Completely braindead


I don’t get it, this issue is literally something that can be easily resolved with a photo

There’s also another source that apparently wasn’t good enough of the chief designer stating it could elevate to +22 degrees


Yeah can the bug report mods get together and figure out a standard for this?

“A photo is not evidence” like alright fine, but then you look at the BTA2 report which is a still from a video (Read: a photo) and that’s acceptable. So are they or are they not?

These mods are very selective in what they accept, and are incredibly stubborn.


Those buggers want even more proof?
Here’s the gun elevation being showcased again while it moves down a slope

Time stamped 0:24 from CCTV Video
Dynamic Demonstration of Ground Equipment Held at Airshow China 2021 - YouTube

Man it’s like these guys who work for gaijin aren’t even trying to find information. Relying on manual slave labor of us poor players.

Another Angle of this same maneuver from New China TV. Time stamped 5:50
LIVE: Dynamic demonstration of ground equipment at Airshow China

The guns isn’t locked and is in stabilization mode, as it moves up and down the slope the gun stays in the same position proving it’s possible to reach a higher elevation angle.

These are directly from 2 separate videos, and not just a crop of a still image.


I’m gonna compile the current list of reports and their statuses so people have an idea of what’s gotten rejected and what’s being worked on:


➡️Passed to the devs as suggestion:

Not enough info:


Rejected/Duplicate/Not a bug:

Seems like not a lot of reports are really passed to the devs due to source scarcity…


So now that I have provided two separate video proofs and a image proof that the VT-5 has 20 degree elevation angle the dev’s should accept it right? I mean it worked for the spall liner, and the Shell.

I really hope we don’t get another Images are not a real source response again.

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lol these reports are from some stupid troll



Good to know, will remove from the overall list

These measurements have been very generous for gaijin. 20 degree elevation should be the absolute minimum for the VT-5.


I’m so sick and tired of their decisions.

I’ve Used the engine deck as the basis for the horizontal, as it should be more or less the flattest part parallel to the ground. Even then all the angles are >20 degrees. So if we don’t get even 20 degree’s I’m gonna go intercontinental ballistic.


Maybe submit the bug report, with the combined interview from the designer, the still photo, the videos as well. There’s no way they would reject something as blatant as this 💀

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is the quadricolor unlockable through kills or eagles??

DTW2-105 at 10.7, with BTA2 it should honestly move to11.0 as currently is or 11.3 with it’s armor corrected and adjustable suspension added.

Through GE I think

Unlockable through kills(saw it in a yt video)