Vickers Infantry Tank No.2. the old-fashion tank

Yeah, and their stats also shouldn’t matter on where the vehicle should be positioned on the BR bracket. But didn’t make the game so not gonna argue. The point is, this vehicle will do fine. An inexperience opinion on such matters does not matter since they don’t have experience in seeing the capabilities of vehicles even ones like this.

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Sure, because 38mm of penetration at 500m is good penetration for range. Compared to 2-Pdr APHE that’s 49mm at 500m with better explosive mass, and when you actually need to engage at long range there’s 2-Pdr APCBC with 77mm at 500m.

The 3-Pdr is one of the worst cannons in the game, not the worst but close. So you have a vehicle with 0 armour, 0 mobility, and 0 firepower. Why do British players want this again?

This would be a decent tank, but under 1.0 whenever that comes.

actually, their stats matter the most when it comes to reserve vehicles. it’s the stats of experimented players that should not matter in the rank 1. like this you can have an honest evaluation of the vehicle’s performance in the hands of unexperimented players which is how the game in introduced to them. i can manage to do about anything with any tanks because I have played this game for years. it do not mean the tank is good. i sometimes purposely play the weakest vehicles of the game and try to beat my record of kills with them just for fun. and I do get the Stats adnormally higher.

They don’t matter for a reason, they cannot identify the issues with the vehicles, and experienced players can provide feedback on where and what the issues are with it. Sometimes inexperienced players cannot do the same since all they see is “it’s a tank and it’s bad”. This doesn’t represent all of them however it does represent a majority of new players.

In this case the VIT No. 2 would perform fine if you know how to handle it, inexperienced cannot. Won’t go any further on my statement since it’s not the right place for it but the point is that VIT No. 2 will do fine/ok. It isn’t gonna be amazing nor is it gonna be extremely bad either.

Its speed is alright, its gun is what you expect from a 47mm.

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they matter for a reason, they play it more and learn the game out of it. their lineup depends on it, they have nothing else and have little knowledge of the mechanics and have an untrained crew. the skilled players are just having a good time bullying the new players and want to have it easy, they have a full line-up and can play a very technical style with a trained crew and knowledge of the map and mechanics.

but the game is currently cruelly unbalanced. to create interest, some vehicles were introduced with high armour. armour too high to be penetrated by the usual guns. and to counter that, they introduced higher performance rounds and reduced the BR of many vehicles. which creates of Compression in the BR. and so there is Reserve tanks that is underrated and fighting other tanks who is also underrated to fight tanks that is overrated.

the only way to solve it is to rebuild the balance from the ground up. and my solution is to extend the game downward by adding vehicles that would normally underperform and make them face firepower would would be more forgiving with weak armour. no more APDS that can headshot the crew of the KV-1 at 500m, no more 37mm with 80mm of penetration with a .50 call that can penetrate almost everything. no more behemoth sitting in the middle of the battlefield unharmed. just a simple gameplay where the enemy needs to be close enough to be heard or lad a shot in the very flat part of the armour to kill you.

like those the new players could learn to play the game without having skilled players who just like to bully them using something like the Strv 31 with APDS. the Higher BR might become more technical to play but this is a natural progression.