What do we expect from our members?
Must be age 16+ Level IV with 1000 games preferred but may be waived based on player
Members must maintain a minimum average of 100 RP per month
All members must be respectful to others, no toxic trash
No politics, religion, drama or baggage please ! Just show up and play 8)
There is no “skill” or “rank” etc. requirements in order to join us.
You should be willing to play together with squadron members whenever you are in game.
Teamwork and supporting Clan members in a match come first
UVG is a group of ethical gamers : No Griefing, Team killing, Hacking or Spawn camping is allowed
What we will offer you?
A relaxing and fun environment to play games in.
Military Veterans and older gamers are welcome
We are multinational and multicultural
Squad Vehicles and +15K RP every 3 days
We are 120+ members strong
Active Discord and Live group text chat
Teamwork in matches, team training, we share information, tips, and tricks on how to improve.
Enlistment is open and all are welcome so come on over and join us to have fun and make friends
Discord : =UVG=
PC players & Console
Need players for Tanks, Planes, Ships & Boats
We have all interests here So Join Today !
Our Clan Tag is



The Knights of Gold and Blue