USS Nautilus (early 1960's variant) (SUGGESTION DRAFT)

Because people keep mentioning it and making decisions based on it, Please note that this is just a way for me to get feedback oh how the suggestion is looking and what I can improve on it.

Also keep in mind this: if it was to be added to the game, it would not be one of the first submarines to be added. Rather, it would be further down the line.

USS NAUTILUS SSN-571 Early 1960’s varient

USS Nautilus was the world’s first nuclear submarine and was laid down in 1952. The submarine was in service from 1954 to 1980; after she was mothballed, she was turned into a museum ship and is currently located in Groton, Connecticut. While you may see that it’s a nuclear submarine, there’s more than meets the eye to the Nautilus.

The Nautilus gets its name from the submarine featured in the book 2000 Leagues Under the Sea; during her service, it was primarily used for trials and as a testbed. She participated in numerous training exercises, as well as participated in the Cuban missile crisis as part of the blockade. The Nautilus was powered by a STR nuclear reactor that powered 2 steam-driven propeller shafts.


Length: 320 ft
Beam: 28 ft
Draft: 26 ft

Power: 13,400 hp
Top Speed: 23 Knots
Surface: 23
Submerged: At least 20 Knots (exact speed unknown)
Max depth: 700 meters
Range: Limited by provisions for crew, expected range is about 20 years

Crew: 11 officers, 105 enlisted

BQR-4 passive sonar system
In reality, towards the end of her service, her sonar became ineffective at speeds greater than 4 knots due to the vibration of the hull and superstructure, However this issue was not present in its early life)
Radar (type unknown)

6 torpedo tubes
Capacity: 24

Late torpedo

MK48 (1980+)

Guidance: internal or wire-guided
Range: (official) More than 5 miles
Warhead: Explosive type unknown 647 Lbs
Speed: (official) greater than 28 knots

Surface targets: proxy fuse underneath the keel
Submerged targets: proxy fuse

Early Torpedo

MK-14 (WW2-1980)

Guidance: Gyroscopic
Range: About 4100 meters at high-speed setting/8200 meters at low-speed setting
Warhead: Torpex 643 Lbs
Speed: (max) 46 knots, (low-speed setting) 31 knots

Surface targets: impact/magnetic
Submerged targets: impact/magnetic




USS Nautilus (SSN-571) - Wikipedia (measurements mainly)
Mark 48 torpedo - Wikipedia
The USS Nautilus (SSN-571).
Mark 14 torpedo - Wikipedia

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If I prefer bb Montana

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I believe the Montanna class is actually not viable to become a suggestion as it doesn’t meet the criteria to be considered.

submarines are cool +1

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In the navy there is no choice, you have to add all ships, even paper ones, like Germany, France, Great Britain, etc., it has a chance with yamato or iowa or the Soviet soyuz.

you misunderstand its literally the offical rule that paper vehicles aren’t allowed, and the Montanna is a paper vehicle

hey @LamawDoniczce here’s the link to the suggestion rules: Rules, Guidelines & Tips For Creating Suggestions (Check Before Creating A New Suggestion!)

if you wanna try to make a suggestion for Montanna, go ahead. I guarantee that it would most likely not be accepted, though.

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I know that paper vehicles are unavailable, but it’s only a matter of time when this will change, because the navy will not be able to be balanced by paper ships, unless the gaijin has it all in the ass like now and there will be no balance and the navy will die

Right - it’s fictional unlike that rock solid grounded in reality Krondshtadt 😑

Your argument is not that good, considering the best ships in the game are still pre ww2 and ww2 ships there’s still a long way to go before we would even be able to have anything modern outside of maybe early Cold War ships (1960’s and the like)

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I’m not going to propose anything, I’m just stating the facts that without the positive of paper battleships for other countries, the balance on ships will cease to exist even more than it does now because of Scharnchort, and modern ships don’t have much of a chance against BB, especially those from the 60s-70s