It indeed wouldn’t matter much, but it’s still annoying for the chances you do face them, I’d still rather know. Emitter track files are configurable and can be changed to fit the situation if needed. In the magic world that is WT, you could argue we would include everything because we can face everything. IRL if you are facing a nation with some very outdated aircraft, you probably still want to properly ID them.
Also I have a feeling the S1 not being recognized is due to some stupid reason like "the Pantsir was introduced much alter than the F-16/F-15’s ALR-56, so it wouldn’t be possible include it in the EID files. Well, point still is that they face eachother in this game, so I think such reasoning should not be applied to WT.
I can maybe only agree with the library reduction of older RWRs, as they did not have as much storage capacity, though I am unsure how much they could store. Maybe it’s negligible.
Not to mention tunguska getting classed as AAA is quite a crime imo lol.
the S1 is the one which worries me quite a lot
it’s a soft buff that really wasn’t needed. Not to mention, most 13.7 jets are contemporaries of this AA, and i’d be surprised if it wasn’t in their libraries now.
They’d like to think, but there is a reason EW aircraft fly around trying to collect radar data. NATO almost certainly has Pantsir data, but of course if the band is outside the range of an RWR they can’t detect it. Oddly, they had this correct before.
This part I am fine with, there were limitations to older RWRs and their threat indexes.
“Whaddya mean we’re unable to identify an SA-19?” “Meh, it’s like any other AAA, eh? I see no problems.”
There’s also the fact the Pantsir has straight up been captured before. So yes, most definitely. Idk how many other radars will show up as “?”, but if it’s very rare, at least “?” will be the new “S1”.
yeah it really didnt need the buff, not to mention apparently RWRs are struggling to pick up its search radar now, because the best nation in the game needed more buffs apparently
I really don’t give two rat shits what Gaijin’s logic behind this is. It doesn’t change the fact that it is a blatant unnecessary, ahistorical, nerf on mostly NATO aircraft. To directly quote one of the top commenters on the aforementioned Zenturion video "the snail is doing this due to ‘there being no evidence of what these planes can id’ so they’re just saying ‘we’re not asking for classified documents, we’re just asking for classified documents’ ". That is 100% the case. I can sit here and ring my bell on how the F16’s, F14’s, F15’s, A10’s, Harrier’s, Apache’s, etc. all can in fact differentiate aircraft types by radar emissions even in DCS. Therefore it should not be difficult for gaijin’s devs to figure it out considering DCS has been doing it far longer than WT has with nothing classified about it, but all this does is invite the notion of classified documents once again being spread on a public forum.
I wish the guy who proposed of these RWR change will go out and touch some grass
Literally, can Gaijin stop using their own feet for balancing like UbiHard