

  • Su-30SM — a bug where the R-27ER on the central rear under-fuselage hardpoint intersected with the Grom-2 bomb on the forward one has been fixed. (Report).
  • Su-30SM — a bug where the cutoffs on the distance ruler on the radar screen on the MFD could be displayed with decimal points has been fixed.
  • Tornado IDS MLU (RET.8) — a bug where the left external fuel tank did not display in X-ray mode has been fixed. (Report).
  • MK 101, MK 103 guns — the fuse sensitivity of the SAPHEI-T shell has been increased to 2 mm. (Report).
  • F/A-18C Early — a bug where the player had to press the key for changing NVG mode twice to turn off thermals has been fixed.
  • F-5E — with the release of the 2.45 Hornet’s Sting major update, CCIP for the guns has been removed. Sources: T.O. 1F-5E-1 (1978); T.O. 1F-5E-1 (1984); T.O. 1F-5E-34-1-1 (1980).

Ground Vehicles

  • A bug that caused the hit camera to display an ordinary hit instead of the vehicle destruction when destroying a vehicle by detonating its ammunition has been fixed.
  • A bug where nothing happened when replaying some shots in the hit analysis has been fixed. (Report).

Naval Vessels

  • A bug where shells could explode before reaching the ship when replaying some shots in the hit analysis has been fixed.

Locations and Missions

  • A bug where air defense vehicles appeared at stage airfields has been fixed.


  • A bug that caused ground vehicle engine and tracks sounds of enemies and allies to become quieter the higher the player vehicle went above sea level has been fixed.
  • A bug where, after maximizing the game, the engine sounds of other players would still play from their previous position before the game was minimized until they moved again has been fixed.

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.


Good news, unfortunately I figured out this bug the worst way, a guy sneaked on my side I haven’t noticed it because the engine noise was so quieter and the cannon firing sounds were overlapping the engine noise.

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Don’t have the recording and can’t get it until later, but a destroyed tank’s tracks were fully moving as if it was holding W.
8.3 BR tank.

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Hopefully this somehow fixed the bug where the radar on the planes I fly doesn’t see a thing.

I find it funny how tanks can roll perfectly forward when they get their engine and track shot out.

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Must have insane momentum to move a 70 ton tank lol

The radars stopped working on all my planes, now they’re bugged and I can’t detect anyone on radar even if they’re right in front of me.

It is worth noting that the Radar automatically points towards the sky, and even if you re-center it, it moves upwards again on its own.

I hope they reduce its spawn cost from 17K silver lions in ASB to something reaosnable lmao.

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Updated line:

  • A bug that caused ground vehicle engine and tracks sounds of enemies and allies to become quieter the higher the player vehicle went above sea level has been fixed.