

  • F-15 (all variants) — a bug where it was impossible to apply a decal to one part of the air intakes has been fixed.
  • Su-25, Su-25K — a bug where the armor penetration values of the Kh-25, S-25OF and S-25OFM rockets was not indicated has been fixed.

Ground Vehicles

  • Osa-AKM, ItO 90M — a bug where the radar search angles did not match in the X-ray menu and in battle has been fixed.
  • Khrizantema-S — a bug where only the second missile fired, not the first guided to the target after capturing an enemy vehicle has been fixed. (Report).
  • A bug where smoke from the engine could continue to come out of the exhaust pipes when a vehicle was destroyed has been fixed.
  • Display of targeting tracking angles in the radar interface has been fixed.
  • A bug where using a custom scope would cause the new range to show instantly without delay has been fixed. (Report).


  • Clouds being too low in aircraft missions, leading to problems with landing or attacking vehicles in cloudy conditions has been fixed.
  • Reflections in water in rainy and foggy weather with RT enabled in the graphics settings has been fixed.


  • A bug that caused the “Processing operation” message to repeatedly appear after clicking on a vehicle in the convertible research points window that had been removed from research has been fixed. (Report).

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.


Clouds being too low in aircraft missions, leading to problems with landing or attacking vehicles in cloudy conditions has been fixed.

Finally some positives.


now fix still alive vehicles being looking as destroed

Pls fix all the merkava armor bugs


Finally, now fix the multipathing not working, it’s near impossible to dodge Fox 3’s while stock grinding. Fakour 90’s even can kill you while flying above water at ~30 meters.


What about random GUI bug when vehicles in Research Tree are unresponsive (cannot be clicked)

Glad that such game breaking bugs being fixed so quickly…
Cosmetic bugs like dysfunctional HMDs can wait.


PzH 2000HU Composite layer on air conditioning unit
PzH 2000HU wrong composite layout behind driver’s hatch

May I get some feedback from Staff after 2 months of waiting?


Is there any word on when the February BR changes will take effect?

So no fixes to the CVR(t) family?

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First actually good fix we’ve seen in a while. Nuts to think it took this long to simply move the clouds up.

Also can we please get the alt-tab freezing bug fixed. Going on over a year now and all the reports I have seen of it have gone ignored.


@Stona_WT any news on Raytracing for AMD/Gen.9 Consoles?




Lmao relying on multipath instead of turning away is wild. It’s a bomber missile. It’s supposed to do that.

Oh dang, I thought the dead vehicle exhaust smoke was intentional. As if it were a vehicle that was knocked out but the engine was still idling.

This is not a “fix” per se, but rather an unrealistic adjustment to make the game easier. Clouds should be present, especially on high-altitude maps where the ground elevation aligns with them. Also, fog should be added as a possible weather in aircraft battles.



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As long as we don’t have navigation tools like TFR, ILS, GCA, etc. that allow a limited operation of aircraft with cloud/fog cover down to the ground, preventing having situations where cloud cover was too restrictive is just making the game “less unbeatably difficult”, not “easier”.

Frankly, the weather I’ve seen in the last few weeks on Afghanistan would have grounded a lot of flights…


War thunder models fox 3 pretty well (even better than dcs). There are plenty of good resources now on how to best evade them.

As for this scenario, I assume the Fakours loft makes it come from above which means it’s not affected by multi path

Seriously THIS. Gaijin fixed it on the Russian line of aircraft if I’m not mistaken but can’t do it on any other newer aircraft? It’s obnoxious missing shots, being surprised, fumbling with radar modes and either eating a missile or watching your enemy fly away with no pressure from you.

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